Crazy Cat Girl Exposed

I started blogging here and there about two years ago.  During this time period I have exercised fierce restraint when it comes to blogging and posting photos of my cat.  Well, I can not take it any longer, the well of self-control has runneth over, and I must share with the world; while simultaneously exposing myself as a crazy cat girl, my cat.  He's called Precious, Adorables, Dute; denotes extreme cuteness, and every other term of endearment that expresses his wonderfulness as well as other descriptive names such as Meowsalot and Pooper.

Introducing Nicholas.

Nicky was conceived in the woods and born in a garage.  His maternal mom was destitute and his dad a drifter.  He has his own mantra set to the music of Jenny From The Block. *drumroll*

Don't be fooled by the toys that I got
I'm still, I'm still Nicky from the garage
Use to have a little, now I have a lot
No matter where I go I know where I came from..

The Woods!

Just look at all those toys..and that's just the tip of the iceberg.  I love the cattitude he's giving me in the photo below. 

The camera he knows all too well, I'm sure I've amassed well over two hundred photos.   There's no denying that Nicky is one spoiled kitty.  Believe me, I wish I could adopt and spoil more animals in need.

Now that I've gotten that out of my system, here's some interesting cat facts:

Cats have the ability to jump five times their height

If your cat is rubbing against you be flattered, they're displaying affection by marking you as their territory.

Tell me all about YOUR adorable pets.

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gina valley said...

Oh he is absolutely adorable! I'm so glad you shared his pictures. I love all his toys! I hope you'll post about him again soon. Too cute!

STF said...

Adorable pics...I'm looking around for a kitten and these pics are really making me look forward to the prospect of 4 tiny paws scurrying around:)

sheilatf52 at yahoo dot com

lisa said...

Thanks guys! I'm always tempted to inundate my blog with cat photos.

Auri Lae said...

Cute! My kitty is black - we were planning on getting a tabby, but my husband brought her home one day because after he gave her some pets at the shelter, she reached out with her paw, grabbed his hand and put it back on her head :)

Unknown said...

Nicky is just an adorable kittiy!

My kitty, Smokie, has probably the worst of Tortie-tude! She's a 9-year-old tortoiseshell and thinks she's the queen of the household! She will even wake me up in the middle of the night to feed her. I have to put the blanket over my FACE for her to get the idea.


MoonRae said...

I love cats but my husband is extremely allergic (really)
I miss not having one since I grew up having them, but we have a cutie ol' daschund and he's a great critter.
Thanks for the giveaway!!

lunrei at yahoo dot com

April Martin said...

Yay... another crazy cat lady like me... LOL! I love cats and have all my life and I LOVE talking about them! I have a 5 year old black and white little girl named Half-Pint... she is the runt of her litter and just a little bitty thing... hence the name. I also have a new edition.. a solid black boy named Cowboy but we typically call him Big Boy because he is only 7 months old and already weights 10 pounds.. he is definitely going to be a healthy boy! I love my babies and like you.. I love taking pictures and have probably thousand of them... LOL!

Mandy said...

I love cats! :D I have two just one lives with my mom. She's around 16/17 years old and I knew she wouldn't be able to handle a move so she stays with my parents. :) But just this year we adopted a kitty from the shelter and named him Karl. He is the coolest cat ever, he does ninja rolls. LOL

Unknown said...

I do not have a pet right now. I like the independence of cats.

peg42 said...

We have three kitties. Shadow is our oldest at 17 years old. He's my baby and is always sitting by my side. Rielly and Peanut is a little over a year old. They are both female and sisters that we adopted from a friend. They're a bit more playful, but tend to entertain each other. we love our cats and our home wouldn't be the same without them.
Thanks so much.

Unknown said...

cats are the best! simply a beauty in a animal!

pinktaz60 said...

Betsy Rubendall Barnes
[email protected]

We have a dog and a cat. I love my pets, however, I lean towards being a "dog" person. My cat is sweet but doesn't like to cuddle like my dog :)

Katy said...

If you can believe it, we have a 21 year old rescue tortoise shell cat named Sodie! She's the best and I'm a crazy cat girl, too! Love your pics and thanks for the great giveaway!

Bonita62 said...

We have dogs and cats. I love them all dearly. They give me much joy. All have different personalities. Just as all my children did. They all give so much love!! I can not imagine not having any to love and love me back.

clc408 said...

I love the way my cat curls up on my lap and laugh when she sits on my keyboard or stands in front of my monitor. I think she's trying to tell me to get off the computer and play with her!

Unknown said...

We have a cat his name is Tiggy he is so funny. We also, have a 85 pit bull named Phoo. Tiggy likes to play with the dog but when he is fed up and doesn't want to play anymore he chases the dog. The dog is scared of him because he acts like ninja when he goes after him, so to see a 85 lb dog ru from a 8-10 lb cat it's funny.

Unknown said...

My cat, Ticky Tacky, is my baby!!! We have no kids, so she is our only child...she is a HUMAN CAT! LOVE HER@@

Heather said...

I am a dog person, but I had a cat I loved because she growled at people she saw as a threat.

Melanie Stewart said...

Well I don't have any pets now but growing up cats were my best friends. I have a headache disorder, and when I was little my cat Sunshine always seemed to know when I wasn't feeling well. He would be there with me and keep me company when no one else could. I still miss him a lot.

Jen Haile said...

I have one tuxedo cat that follows me everywhere I go. Even as I write this, she is sitting on my desk right next to my arm. She's my baby!

Holly said...

We have three kitties that were around before the kids. Unfortunately, only one of them actually likes the kids!

Anonymous said...

I have a kitty named Lucy! She is so mean and grouchy looking but I think it's hilarious. I just love her when she has that bug-eyed look and her ears are pointed when she's all awake and curious. She kinda reminds me of an owl when she does that and it's so funny. I love cats!

Lanieluck said...

Aww he is so cute! I have two cats that I adore with all my heart. They are my babies. I love how cats are so calm and comforting. Its so relaxing to listen to them purr when they sit next to you.

Selinda said...

I have a 175lb Rottweiler that is a huge baby! He is spoiled rotten and deserves it! He had to have a FHO at less than a year for severe hip dysplasia and will have to have another one in the near future for the other leg.


selinda_mccumbers at

Jude Skocki Kelly said...

I have 2 dogs and a cat. My cat weighs twice as much as the dogs, but they all get along just great. They all love to cuddle and get jealous of one another when they are with Mommy :) Your furbaby is absolutely adorable. Enjoy being with him <3

myfreebi3s at yahoo dot com

Stephanie said...

I don't have any cats but I do have a Boxer named Cash..who is just like my second child :)

Katherine said...

My cat is named Tipsy because, as a kitten, she always walked like a drunken sailor - haha!

Unknown said...

My cats can be classified as Fat-Spoiled-Lazy (Sasha) and Fat-Old-Lazy-Spoiled (Ally)

Danielle S. said...

I'm not sure if my last comment posted, but I said that I love cats! My cat is named Bing and she's a Siamese, and like most of her breed I love that she's so talkative.


Carmen Lebron said...

I am a cat the way they snuggle up to you...

The Happy Booker said...

My cat Finnikin is rotten. Everyone laughs because he follows me around everywhere I go. When something startles him he jumps straight up about 3 feet in the air, it's hilarious. I love him to death. Finnikin is all black with extremely silky fur and the tiniest bit of white under his chin.

Colleen Boudreau said...

I love cats! I have two boys named Big & Little. :)

Angie B said...

I have 2 cats they are sister, Soleil and Luna. They are awesome. They take care of creatures that are outside. We also have bats in our attic and they sometimes help keep them under control too

Unknown said...

i loveee cats! they're loyal yet independent. i have three! Moo, Friday, and Gigi =]

Unknown said...

I have 4 dogs, and one is my baby and the poor thing is the guinea pig in my product reviews when I need a dog..he's just so darn good at it and loves me anyways!

Heather! said...

I love how special my cat makes me feel. Cats are NOT, contrary to popular opinion, antisocial. They ARE, however, selective, so my cat makes me feel loved every day when she 'chooses' me!

h4schaffer at gmail dot com

Wendy ArtsyChaos said...

I was just looking about 1/2 hour ago at pet photos on the pet shelter site! Your kitty cat is just so cute!
hiwendyhi at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I dont have any pets but I like how cats dont require a lot of care like some other animals and they are so darn cute when they are little(kittens).

Amy Dalrymple said...

I have a cat named Bowser who causes all sorts of trouble... he also costs me a lot. :P I had to pay 15 bucks today to get his booty shaved because his fur is so long back there!

Chelsea said...

I love how cats are so steady on their feet!

weta1972 said...

I have three very spoiled pets Oso is a 195 lb Great pyrenees, Psycho is a 1 yr old Black cat, and Suga Rae is a 7 mth old Porky(pom and yorkie mix)
[email protected]

Karen F said...

I love cats, I don't have one right now,the old tom we had died earlier this year and I want another kitten but waiting till after the holidays before adopting a new one.

♡♥♬ Carolsue ♡♥♬ said...

I have a rescued Main Coon CA named Bugsy. He's a great cat--his favorite activities are eating, sleeping and playing with Mylar Scrunchy toys and his favorite purple mouse.
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

micheal dale grim said...

i have 7 cats,whom i love and adore,there a huge part of my life!!!

Ryan said...

I have a cat named sam. At first he wasnt very friendly and it took some time for him to get used to me, but now hes very loving. I couldnt imagine my home without a cat.

[email protected]

Lisa Garner said...

I have a cat named Smoochie who is my big baby. He sleeps with me each night and follows me everywhere I go in the house. I love him like one of my own children.

Lisa Garner

abry grey said...

I have a cat whom I love and adore of course. She's my buddy, she keeps me from being too lonely I suppose. Call me the crazy cat lady if you must! LOL

Ellie Wright said...

I have 2 dogs named Bentley and Carter. I don't hink my family would be complete without them.

Unknown said...

I have 2 Chihuahuas, 1 Parson Russel (who may be pregnant!), and a ferret. I love all my pets!. brigettestreeper(at)yahoo(dot)com

MissKate126 said...

I have 4 cats and I love them like they were my kids, lol. Cats are such loyal companions.

Anonymous said...

I don't have any pets now, but we had a lot of them when I was growing up. My mom was a veterinarian, so we were always taking in rescue cats. I got close to each one of them and loved them like siblings!

Michelle Spayde said...

While I didn't dislike them, I was never a cat person until one cold Thanksgiving night when I heard a kitten crying under a car at our apartment building. I fell head over heels in love with this sweet black boy, but was only blessed with his presence for 9 short months (he was feline leukemia positive, and lost his fight against the virus). It was all downhill from there as I became very active in rescue, and adopted a few more special needs guys. One of my sweetest boys, Andybelle, is also a brown tabby! He's about 14 now, and we're currently trying to find out the source of his sudden weight loss.

Unknown said...

I don't have cats, but I have a Shih Tzu dog named Scotty, he's 2 years old now.. He has been with me since he was 4 months :) I love him ♥

susan1215 said...

I have a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Daisy

Lisa said...

I have two cats. One knows how to open the closet door :/ now I find them in there all the time.

Kellie Conklin said...

We don't have any cats because of allergies but I love that the cats of the families I work for are so sweet and will always jump up on my in a friendly way whenever I am over! I also like that they are clean and easy to maintain! Our dogs, while I love them, don't seem to understand that I would prefer them to please be quiet and not rip up the rugs :)

Kirby McCauley said...

I have four cats & they are my furbabies! I have a domestic longhair calico, domestic shorthair tabby, maine coone & a Siamese. They're all rescues & all me loves!

Terri Patillo said...

I have two beautiful cats: Poof (a Flame-Point Siberian) and his lovely wife, a grey and white beauty named Greybaby. Sadly, we lost their 2 year old, daughter, Abbie to Feline Leukemia 2 months ago. I have learned that Cats are spiritual animals. They are healers. And I love mine as dearly as any person I know.

Terri P
pr4gatheringroses AT gmail DOT com

Leslie S. said...

My cats are all so different.We have the queen(whose eyes are different colors
0 and her daughter the princess.They are long haired solid white cats.They rule the house and can do no wrong according to my husband.We also have a striped boy and a siamese boy who are little love machines.They just want to be held and loved on all the time.We also have a chihuahua(who hides from the cats most days),fish,and a turtle.

Kathy P said...

we have 2 dogs bella and chico and 4 cats wolfie,sanchez,baby kitty and gilla who we call GODGILLA because he likes to attack your feet when you walk by

Unknown said...

I love when my cat purrs.


Unknown said...

I have 2 dogs and 4 Cats!!! Love them all!!! Junior is the puppy, he is a handful and quite cute!!!
We take our dogs out with us everywhere we go, they go camping, and other activities. They have a drawer full of dog clothes! They are spoilt
[email protected]

AEKZ2 said...

I like that cats are pretty independent.

Unknown said...

We have a fish. My daughter is allergic to cats so until there is a cure...
[email protected]

Kathleen M Smith said...

I love cats, they are good companions. My fav cat of all is a grey tabby, thanks for sharing the pics, brightened my day.

cassandra marquez said...

I have three cats, Sumo Ruby and Iggy. They are all my babies. Sumo and Iggy both love to be cuddled all night long like little babies curled up and use PILLOWS. Ruby liked to lay on pillows but will balance herself while you lay on your side all night long and sleep on you like that. She is a petite little princess! Thanks for the giveaway :))
fb: rab pom

Unknown said...

We love our kitty! She is a beautiful Himalayan named Jinx <3

LilyBiscuit said...

I have a white Maltese puppy. I'd love to get a kitten too :)
vac 924 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

My dog sleeps with one eye open, seriously..


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