
      How To Follow Blogs Via Google Friend Connect

I realize that many out there are new to blogging so I wanted to do this easy to understand tutorial so that you will be able to successfully  follow blogs.  There are a couple of ways you can go about  following blogs via Google Friend Connect.

Look at my page, you will see on the upper left hand corner the link "follow" all you have to do is click the link and you will now be following my blog.

Another way you can accomplish this is by looking on a blogger's sidebar.  You will usually find the the option to follow with Google Friend Connect.  Here you can just click on the "follow" and you will get a verification to confirm that you intended to follow the blog.  Just confirm and you are set.  The whole process takes about one second.

You can also add a blog from you dashboard. 

Click on the 'add' button

 You will see this pop-up

Type in http://www.nyaproductreviewer.com/ and click next..

Now just check  'follow publicly' and hit follow and your done.
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Anonymous said...

How do I sign up for Google Friend Connect?

lisa said...

Oops I just now noticed your comment I can see that you already figured this out. I noticed you have a Google account but i don't think that is necessary. The second step should suffice.

Olivia said...


redhead said...


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

i dont think it signed to follow--i did just what it said to do.....

lisa said...

@Randy..make sure that you are following publicly and not privately.

Some Lucky Dog said...

Thanks for the info on how to do this! I didn't know how to follow if there wasn't a widget on the blog.

CINDY B on rafflecopter

Unknown said...

wow nice.. done

Anna said...

This is SUCH a useful tutorial, I don't know HOW many people have asked me what GFC is in the first place. Sigh, they ALL need to read this.

Unknown said...

That was very helpful, thank you. I had no idea how to use this and wondered. Very informative. Thanks.

LAWonder said...

I tried o do this on your other posts but the "jump to posts" wouldn't work.
You have a great site with great information.

Natalie Parvis-Nichols said...

Thanks for this. I hate that there is always a delay on my computer for GFC to show up.

Courtney B said...

for some reason this has not been working lately- not sure whats going on

thekarlydiary said...

this was really helpful thanks!

Marcia Lee said...

I am going to have to look up all your tutorials. Sometimes when entering a giveaway, I have no idea what the blogger is asking; I could use help. The info on Friend Connect was very helpful. Thank you.

Paula Ball said...

This will go to my Facebook, & I too, needed this help.

clenna said...

Following your advice made this so easy. Thank you

Unknown said...

Even simple blog posts like this are SOOOO useful! When i first started I could've used this, because I had no idea!


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