Tropical Traditions All Natural & Pure Soaps-

Do you know what's in your soap?  Not that long ago I received and education on the ingredients of what I considered to be the best soap on the market.  Not only did this brand contain a ton of potentially harmful ingredients but it also contains fat from animals.  So nasty and counter productive.   Further research led me to discover the company is far from environmentally friendly and to top it off they test on animals.  Shocking.

Think this is atypical? think again, this is the less objectionable of the commercials soaps on the market.   Searching for pure naturals soaps can really pose a challenge since labels can be very deceptive. I am actually willing to bet that there are only a handful of quality all natural soaps.

One company I can attest to is Tropical Traditions.

Tropical Traditions soaps are handmade, pure, organic, vegan and environmentally friendly

Tropical Traditions unscented bar soap contains their 100%  certified organic coconut oil that has been saponified.  The Tea Tree soap contains saponified organic virgin coconut oil, and organic essential oils of tea tree and lemon.  The Lavender soap adds organic essential oil of lavender.

That's it! Pure and simple, absolutely no unpronounceable foreign chemicals or animal fat.  Made by family-run farms spread throughout the Philippines their products remain 100% pure and  not compromised by mass production standards.

The bar soaps lather well and will not dry-out your skin, but leave your skin feeling amazing.  I also like the piece of mind that I'm not attempting to cleanse my skin using animal fat.

You can visit Tropical Traditions to purchase all of their amazing soaps and more.

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Andrea said...

I follow your blog on Google Friend Connect! The Tropical Traditions Organic Coconut Peanut Butter caught my eye! Yum!
andreapaetkau at gmail dot com

Andrea said...

I follow Tropical Traditions on Twitter! (@ampaetka)
andreapaetkau at gmail dot com

Andrea said...

I follow you on twitter and tweeted!
andreapaetkau at gmail dot com

Andrea said...

#2 I follow you on twitter and tweeted!
andreapaetkau at gmail dot com

sweetpea18 said...

i would like to try the unscented moisturizing cream
heatheranya at hotmail dot com

sweetpea18 said...

i follow TT on twitter @1589m
heatheranya at hotmail dot com

sweetpea18 said...

i follow you on twitter @1589m and tweeted!/1589m/status/30225121587240961
heatheranya at hotmail dot com

Heidi said...

The Rapunzel Organic Bittersweet
Dark Swiss Chocolate looks so yum. Thanks.

[email protected]

mverno said...

i follow as mverno via gfc and would like to try the Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil
for Hair Treatment
[email protected]

Annie1 said...

I follow via gfc Annie1

Another product that I'd like to try is the Organic Brown Rice Syrup


nancyrobster at gmail dot com

Annie1 said...

Follow Tropical Traditions on Twitter.


nancyrobster at gmail dot com

Annie1 said...

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nancyrobster at gmail dot com

Annie1 said...


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nancyrobster at gmail dot com

Annie1 said...

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nancyrobster at gmail dot com

Annie1 said...


Clicked the Like button


nancyrobster at gmail dot com

Annie1 said...

email subscriber


nancyrobster at gmail dot com

BethElderton said...

I'd like to try some of the organic foods--the sun dried tomatoes would be great in a soup I make.

bethelderton59@gmail dot com

BethElderton said...

I'm you gfc friend, BethElderton
bethelderton59@gmail dot com

BethElderton said...

I am a member of Tropical Traditions via newsletter
bethelderton59@gmail dot com

EmmaPeel said...

I follow u by gfc.
Organic Apple Sauce

EmmaPeel said...

I follow Tropical Traditions on Twitter.

Tonic67 said...

would love to try their Powdered Laundry Detergent
reannenny at

Tonic67 said...

1 Entry: Follow Tropical Traditions on Twitter.
done tonic67

Tonic67 said...

2 Entries: Follow me on Twitter and tweet giveaway-preferably use the following tweet :

Tonic67 said...

2 Entries: Follow me on Twitter and tweet giveaway-preferably use the following tweet :

Tonic67 said...

FB share

Tonic67 said...

FB share

Tonic67 said...

1 Entry: Click and Subscribe in Reader of your choice or subscribe via email on the upper left.

done both google and email

Domestic Diva said...

I follow on gfc.

The coconut peanut butter looks yummy.

lovelydomesticdiva (at)gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

GFC follower

I'd luv to try their Moisturizing Cream

jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com

Anonymous said...

follow tropical traditions on twitter: jmatek

jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com

Anonymous said...

follow u on twitter and tweeted:!/jmatek/status/30743953540128769

jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com


Anonymous said...

follow u on twitter and tweeted:!/jmatek/status/30743953540128769

jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com


Anonymous said...

I follow Tropical Traditions on Twitter [email protected]

jemscout425 said...

follow and I like to try the Organic Skin Exfoliators

jemscout425 said...

follow on twitter and tweeted

Jennifer said...

I'm a new GFC follower (Jennifer Mo). The coconut peanut butter looks intriguing!
ailanna at hotmail dot com

Jennifer said...

I follow Tropical Traditions on Twitter @noteasy2begreen.
ailanna at hotmail dot com

JuliaA said...

moisturizing cream caught my eye. i also love that they ahve a variety of organic sweetners.

JuliaA said...

following troptraditions on twitter @juulia

littlelatina said...

the Tea Tree soap sounds great

Erin O'Riordan said...

I'd really like to try the tea tree. It's one of my favorite scents.

I'm already following thru Google FriendConnect, and I Tweeted as ErinORiordan.

Jacqueline said...

id love to try their exfoliators! [email protected] i follow via gfc

missbobloblaw said...

I love that Tropical Traditions has a big organic foods section!

missbobloblaw said...

I follow @tropicaltraditions on twitter (@missbobloblaw)

missbobloblaw said...

I follow you on twitter


missbobloblaw said...

I follow you on twitter


Unknown said...

I follow on GFC. I see that Tropical Traditions sells a lot of other stuff, including some fantastic-looking coconut oil! The shampoo bar looks lovely too!

Unknown said...

I follow your feed in Google Reader. :)

jennifer said...

I follow and just noticed their packages. I would love to have their baking package.
jenniferwlsn33 at

jennifer said...

email subscriber
jenniferwlsn33 at

AB Smith said...

I love TT products! Especially the gold label oil. I didnt know these kind of soap existed! thanks

AB Smith said...

Following Tropical Traditions on Twitter. 2kidsblogger

AB Smith said...

following and tweet

tbos said...

They have many things I covet....gallons of coconut oil top the list!

cathypurdue said...

I am following your blog and would love to try their lotions

cathypurdue said...

I "liked" this blog entry

Unknown said...

OMGoodness ... I've been hoping that TT would put up their natural soaps for a giveaway. Wowee ... I'd love to try these.

I'm a google friend connect follower. Another item that I'd like to try (which I didn't know they carried) is the Organic Brown Jasmine Rice. Imagine ... Heirloom rices! Fabulous!

reducefootprints at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I follow Tropical Traditions on Twitter (I'm @smallftprints)

reducefootprints at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

#1 - I clicked on "like" at the bottom of the post (I'm Sml Footprints)

reducefootprints at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

#2 - I clicked on "like" at the bottom of the post (I'm Sml Footprints)

reducefootprints at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I'm an email subscriber (reducefootprints at gmail dot com)

Art said...

I follow you on google friend connect. I'd like to try TT's extra virgin olive oil.

[email protected]

Art Ist said...

I follow Tropical Traditions on Twitter (@oneadayart)

artistaismenow at gmail dot com

Art Ist said...

I clicked "like" - I'm Art Ist on Facebook (entry 1)

artistaismenow at gmail dot com

Art said...

I clicked "like" - I'm Art Ist on Facebook (entry 2)

artistaismenow at gmail dot com

Art said...

I subscribe to your RSS feed in my google reader.

artistaismenow at gmail dot com

Jenn said...

I love heirloom rices!
email: jennifer(dot)mcgreevy(at)gmail(dot)com

Jenn said...

I also follow you on GFC!
Username: Jenn M
email: jennifer(dot)mcgreevy(at)gmail(dot)com

Growth in God said...

New follower on GFC-
I love their honey or Peanut butter
sunshineofautumn at yahoo dot com

Growth in God said...

Follow Tropical Traditions on Twitter.
sunshineofautumn at yahoo dot com

Growth in God said...

Follow you on twitter and tweeted your giveaway
What is in your soap? Learn and #win Tropical Traditions pure, natural soaps. #vegan #giveaway
under autumn sunshine
sunshineofautumn at yahoo dot com

Growth in God said...

shared on facebook
under sunshine of autumn

Piper said...

I think their hair oils also looks really good!

I follow your blog through gfc as Piper - nettysgirl AT

Gaines7 said...

I like the "Organic Tea Tree Liquid Soap." I am following, liking, joining and subscribing. [email protected]

pms3237 said...

I subscribe

pms3237 said...

They make a hand sanitizer without the drying alcohol

Jean said...

I learned...Since coconut oil is a food and is a staple for many living in Asia, it is considered safe for anyone.

lovelyai said...

I learned that Tropical Traditions was the first company to export virgin coconut oil from the Philippines to the US market!


lovelyai said...

I follow Tropical Traditions on Twitter @lotusearthlight


lovelyai said...

I follow you on Twitter @lotusearthlight and tweeted this giveaway:!/lotusearthlight/status/32531724797743104


Anonymous said...

coconut peanut butter!! You are a Like on FB!

Stephanie Macdonald

[email protected]

Niecey said...

I visited their site. the Gold Label StandardTM Virgin Coconut Oil caught my eyes
I follow your blog via google friend connect - Niecey


Niecey said...

I follow tropical traditions on twitter

Niecey said...

I follow you on twitter and tweeted!/goodieslist/status/32588453656924161

Niecey said...

I follow you on twitter and tweeted!/goodieslist/status/32588453656924161

Niecey said...

I clicked like on this post
Niecey Docherty

Niecey said...

I clicked like on this post
Niecey Docherty

Niecey said...

I subscribe to your rss feed in google reader

Anonymous said...

I follow you via GFC, and another product that i would love to try is their organic dark chocolate. karasceviour at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I subscribe to you via email. karasceviour at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I am following your blog on Google Friend Connect. I have been wanting to try the TT citrus moisturizing lotion

Unknown said...

I follow Tropical Traditions on Twitter @Mommy2Marlie

Unknown said...

I follow you on Twitter and tweeted giveaway!/Mommy2Marlie/status/32912181813055488

Unknown said...

I shared this giveaway on Facebook +1

Unknown said...

I shared this giveaway on Facebook +2

bless their hearts mom said...

they also have lavender moisturizing cream!

new follower on gfc

bless their hearts mom said...!/BTHM1/status/33109677088710656


bless their hearts mom said...

follow on twitter under bthm1

bless their hearts mom said...

liked giveaway- nicole/blesstheirheartsmom-fb

llinda29 said...

I want Rapunzel Organic Bittersweet
Dark Swiss Chocolate

Re said...

it would be cool to check out their coconut cream cocnentrate

Re said...

i follow tropical traditions on twitter @cabbie413

Re said...

i liked this post.

Pip444 said...

I would like to try the Citrus mint skin exfoliator

[email protected]

Pip444 said...

Follow Tropical Traditions on Twitter.
[email protected]

Pip444 said...

Follow on twitter!/pawberrylane/status/33634751856254976
[email protected]

Pip444 said...

click the 'like' button
[email protected]

Pip444 said...

clicked the 'like' button
[email protected]

Linda said...

I'm a huge TT fan and love their Coconut Oil and Organic Raw Honey!
I'm a follower: :)cokelush is my id.
cokelush at gmail

Linda said...

Following TT on Twitter: cokelush is my id.
cokelush at gmail

Linda said...

Following you on Twitter and Tweeted here:
cokelush at gmail

Karen said...

The Tropical Traditions Organic Coconut Peanut Butter sounds great :)

ktgonyea at

Anonymous said...

I follow on Twittter [email protected] Would love to win some tropical traditions soap.

Michelle Smith said...

I now follow you on Google Friend, and I am already a fan of TT's coconut oil and their lip balm.

ajandmichelle AT juno DOT com

Michelle Smith said...

I do follow TT on Twitter.

ajandmichelle AT juno DOT com

Michelle Smith said...

Following on Twitter and tweeted. #1

ajandmichelle AT juno DOT com

Michelle Smith said...

Following on Twitter and tweeted. #2

ajandmichelle AT juno DOT com

Michelle Smith said...

I "liked."


ajandmichelle AT juno DOT com

Michelle Smith said...

I liked. #2

ajandmichelle AT juno DOT com

cathypurdue said...

I follow your blog on Google Friend Connect! The Tropical Traditions Organic Coconut Oil looks interesting

clynsg said...

Follower via GFC, and I also like their liquid dishwashing soap.

cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow you on GFC. I would love to try their Moisturizing Cream!
[email protected]

Anonymous said...

I follow you on twitter :)
[email protected]

Anonymous said...

Follow Tropical Traditions on Twitter :)
[email protected]

SisWins said...

Follow on GFC and read about how this company (well, those who help them by joining their method of producing this coconut oil) were ingenious during water shortages to use the water from the coconuts themselves for a water source in the process!
siswins2 at gmail dot com

SisWins said...

follow tropical traditions on twitter (@SisWins)
siswins2 at gmail dot com

SisWins said...

Follow you on Twitter (@SisWins) and tweeted:!/SisWins/status/36833290514079744
siswins2 at gmail dot com
Entry 1

SisWins said...

Follow you on Twitter (@SisWins) and tweeted:!/SisWins/status/36833290514079744
siswins2 at gmail dot com
Entry 2

SisWins said...

email subscriber
siswins2 at gmail dot com

SisWins said...

"Liked" the post (Please contact for Facebook name if needed for verification - thanks)
siswins2 at gmail dot com
Entry 1

SisWins said...

"Liked" the post (Please contact for Facebook name if needed for verification - thanks)
siswins2 at gmail dot com
Entry 2

ababe28 said...

I follow on GFC as ababe28

ababe28 said...

I like the idea of the foaming soaps! I prefer Them to the regular pump soaps!

ababe28 said...

I'm following Tropical Tradions on Twitter
Name (@ababe28)

ababe28 said...

I'm following you on twitter and tweeted this giveaway here:!/ababe28/status/36888960194052096

Sarah said...

I follow via GFC and I also like their organic liquid soaps (lavender scent).

Mari said...

I follow via gfc, I also like Bug Arrest, an insect repellent.

runningmatey at hotmail dot com

Mari said...

I subscribe via google reader.

runningmatey at hotmail dot com

Mari said...

I follow TT on twitter (LuckyDuckyToo)

runningmatey at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I am a vegan and only use vegan products, this would be great.

[email protected]

Mari said...

I follow on twitter and tweeted:

runningmatey at hotmail dot com

kmogilevski said...

Follow you through GFC (katie, kmogilevski). I would like to try the Teeth Cleaner in Mint.
kmogilevski at gmail dot com

kmogilevski said...

Follow TT on Twitter (katieschneider)
kmogilevski at gmail dot com

kmogilevski said...

Follow you on Twitter (katieschneider) and tweeted (!/katieshneider/status/37340232525283328) - 1
kmogilevski at gmail dot com

kmogilevski said...

Follow you on Twitter (katieschneider) and tweeted (!/katieshneider/status/37340232525283328) - 2
kmogilevski at gmail dot com

kmogilevski said...

Liked post (katie schneider) - 1
kmogilevski at gmail dot com

kmogilevski said...

Liked post (katie schneider) - 2
kmogilevski at gmail dot com

kmogilevski said...

Subscribe to your email with kmogilevski at HOTMAIL
kmogilevski at gmail dot com

daniel thornton said...

I like Tropical Traditions Organic Virgin Coconut Oil Soaps


Anonymous said...

I follow GFC. Rebecca
I would love to try their insect repellant.

spiersrp at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

teeth cleaner in mint ty.
[email protected]

Susan said...

I follow via gfc, and I would love the organic honey! suelee1998 @

kerismommy said...

I follow your blog on Google Friend Connect! The Tropical Traditions Organic Coconut Peanut Butter sounds interesting
[email protected]

Unknown said...

I follow (happi shopr) and would like to try the Tropical Traditions Organic Coconut Peanut Butter. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

susansmoaks said...

i would also love to try the organic raw honey
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

Beckeesdeals said...

GFC follower and their coconut oil caught my eye!
beckeesdeals at gmail dot com

Beckeesdeals said...

I follow Tropical Traditions on Twitter @beckee13
beckeesdeals at gmail dot com

Beckeesdeals said...

Shared this on FB #1
beckeesdeals at gmail dot com

Beckeesdeals said...

Shared this on FB #2
beckeesdeals at gmail dot com

Beckeesdeals said...

I subscrive via email
beckeesdeals at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

would like to try the peanut butter as we have some pennut butter lovers here !!
kendraco22 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

follow twitter

kendraco22 at yahoo dot com

angie lilly said...

I follow you via GFC.
I would love to get the Grass-fed Bison
Raw Meat Pet Treats for my fur babies to try!
14earth at gmail dot com

angie lilly said...

I follow them via Twitter as FotoMacro.
14earth at gmail dot com

angie lilly said...

I follow you via Twitter as FotoMacro and tweeted here:!/FotoMacro/status/37628890147065856
14earth at gmail dot com

angie lilly said...

I liked this post on FB as Tofu Fairy -1-
14earth at gmail dot com

angie lilly said...

I liked this post on FB as Tofu Fairy -2-
14earth at gmail dot com

angie lilly said...

I follow you via Twitter as FotoMacro and tweeted here:!/FotoMacro/status/37628890147065856
14earth at gmail dot com

angie lilly said...

I subscribe via google reader and email.
14earth at gmail dot com

Scott said...

follow w/google friend
Organic Insect Repellent would be nice to try this spring/summer
nynekats at gmail dot com

Scott said...

follow them w/twitter under repurrpussed
nynekats at gmail dot com

Scott said...

follow and tweet!/RePurrPussed/status/37630015956975616
nynekats at gmail dot com

Scott said...

subscribe w/email & google friend
nynekats at gmail dot com

Scott said...

2nd entry: follow and tweet!/RePurrPussed/status/37630015956975616
nynekats at gmail dot com

Scott said...

1) liked giveaway w/facebook under Heath Cole
nynekats at gmail dot com

Scott said...

2) liked giveaway w/facebook under Heath Cole
nynekats at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

The Bhutanese Red Rice caught my eye. [email protected]

Brian E. said...

Thanks for the giveaway...would like to try out TT's new "Benefect Impact Non-toxic Carpet Cleaner".

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
GFC Follower: Brian E.

Brian E. said...

Following TT via Twitter: @brianpiero

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
GFC Follower: Brian E.

Brian E. said...

Following you via Twitter: @brianpiero

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
GFC Follower: Brian E.

Brian E. said...

#2 Following you via Twitter: @brianpiero

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
GFC Follower: Brian E.

Ambre Winfield said...

I'd like to try the pet shampoo

Ambre Winfield said...

I follow TT on Twitter @ambreprn

Ambre Winfield said...

I follow you on Twitter

debijackson said...

i would like to try the dish soap and i follow


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