Febreze Home Collection Wooden Wick Candle Review

Winter is fast approaching and even though I don't particular care for this season, I have to admit winter does have some redeeming qualities.

The beauty of the snow, skiing, snuggling up to a warm crackling fire with a cup of hot chocolate are all pretty amazing.

I do appreciate these moments a great deal, so when Febreze offered to provide me with samples of their new Wooden Wick Candles via My Blog Spark I was absolutely thrilled.

Febreze Home Collection Wooden Wick Candle is a brilliant concept that combines lovely aromas with the sound of a crackling fire. Great idea, right?!

These candles are soy and last up to 80 hours, they come in eight scents. I was sent the Rosewood Plum, Cranberry Pear and the Anjou Pear Spice. All smell absolutely delightful.

I am currently burning the Rosewood Plum, It provides such an amazing ambience to my makeshift office. The sound of the crackling fire is so relaxing and seems to have a warming affect on me.

Please note that Febreze frequently offers giveaways on their Febreze Home Collection Facebook page.

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humanecats said...

I'd like to try the gingersnap vanilla.

humanecats said...

I follow Febreaze on twitter as humanecats.

Everly said...

i want to try the gingersnap vanilla

jenatwwjd at gmail

Barbara Montag said...

Following you - Google Friend Connect as Barbara Montag
& I love this scent - Green Tea Citrus!

barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com

Barbara Montag said...

Follow Febreze on Twitter @JalapenoMama

Barbara Montag said...

I follow you on Twitter @JalapenoMama and a tweet.
barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com

Barbara Montag said...

I follow you on Twitter @JalapenoMama and a tweet.
barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com

Barbara Montag said...

I'm an RSS subscriber - Google Reader.
barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com

Barbara Montag said...

Following you - Networked Blogs Barbara Montag
barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com

Rebekka @ Becky's Kaleidoscope said...

Follow on GFC. Would love to try the Gingersnap Vanilla.

Rebekka @ Becky's Kaleidoscope said...

I follow you on Networked Blogs.

Rebekka @ Becky's Kaleidoscope said...

Subscribed via Google Reader.

sherylssg said...

I follow on Google Friends connect as sherylssg
I would pick the Gingersnap Vanilla

Mami2jcn said...

I follow you on GFC and I'd like to try cranberry pear.

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

Mami2jcn said...

I follow Febreze on Twitter @mami2jcn

Mami2jcn said...

I follow you on networked blogs- Mary Happymommy

Jen V said...

I follow your blog through Google Friend Connect. I would most like to try the cranberry pear scent.

ssovrnej (at) gmail.com

Jen V said...

I follow Febreze_Fresh on twitter as greatgiveaways.

ssovrnej (at) gmail.com

Jen V said...

I follow you on twitter as greatgiveaways and tweeted about your giveaway.
entry #1

ssovrnej (at) gmail.com

Jen V said...

I follow you on twitter as greatgiveaways and tweeted about your giveaway.
entry #2

ssovrnej (at) gmail.com

Jen V said...

I subscribe to your feed through Google Reader.

ssovrnej (at) gmail.com

Jen V said...

I follow you on networked blogs (Jen V)

ssovrnej (at) gmail.com

Carol W. said...

I'm a GFC follower.
Gingersnap Vanilla would be my choice.


Carol W. said...

I subscribe with Google Reader.


Amber said...

I follow your blog with google friend connect and most want to try cranberry pear
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I follow Febreze on Twitter - I'm @AmberGoo
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I follow you on Twitter (@AmberGoo) and tweeted:
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I follow you on Twitter (@AmberGoo) and tweeted:
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I subscribed to your blog with google reader!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

abfantom said...

I follow via GFC: abfantom

I would like the Febeze Green Tea Citrus Wooden Wick scent.

abfantom at yahoo dot com

abfantom said...

I'm an email subscriber

abfantom at yahoo dot com

BargainFun said...

I follow on gfc and i'd love the gingersnap vaniilla

Shelley Johnson said...

I follow on gfc and I would love to try the gingersnap vanilla.

Bloggytime20 at yahoo dot com

Christy said...

I'm a google follower and I'd like to try the Gingersnap Vanilla scent.

[email protected]

Christy said...

I'm an email subscriber

[email protected]

Lisa G. said...

I'm following Febreze on Twitter

Lisa G. said...

I'm following you on Twitter

Lisa G. said...

Tweet Tweet

Lisa G. said...

I'm subscribed through Google (RSS feed)

B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said...

gingersnap vanilla seems delicious!

Clarke & Lewis said...

rosewood plum
rmartinclarke at gmail dot com

Clarke & Lewis said...

follow febreze on twitter @rsmc1
rmartinclarke at gmail dot com

Clarke & Lewis said...

follow you @rsmc1

Clarke & Lewis said...

follow you @rsmc1 and tweet
rmartinclarke at gmail dot com 2

Clarke & Lewis said...

google reader subscriber
rmartinclarke at gmail dot com

Clarke & Lewis said...

i follow you on nb- ria c
rmartinclarke at gmail dot com

Patricia said...

GFC Follower and I'm more excited on the Cranberry Pear Scent! :)

patriciaaguirre21 at yahoo dot com

Patricia said...

Follow Febreze on Twitter~

patriciaaguirre21 at yahoo dot com

Patricia said...

Follow you on Twitter~

patriciaaguirre21 at yahoo dot com

Patricia said...

Tweeted about this giveaway~

patriciaaguirre21 at yahoo dot com

selinda_mccumbers said...

I'd like to try the cranberry pear!


susitravl said...

I would like to try the Gingersnap Vanilla.


susitravl said...

Follow Febreze on Twitter - susitravl

Roy F. said...

Follow you on Google friend connect.

I 'd like to try the Green Tea Citrus Scent

Anonymous said...

I would like to try the cranberry pear.

denise_22315 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow Frbreze as wiscmom24 on Twitter.

denise_22315 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I followed you and tweeted.


denise_22315 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I subscribed via reader.

denise_22315 at yahoo dot com

mimilovesall8 said...

I want to try the Ginger Snap Vanilla!
Sounds like it would smell yummy!
Thanks,[email protected]

mimilovesall8 said...

Followed Freebreeze on twitter--andersonann48
[email protected]

mimilovesall8 said...

I followed you on Twitter-andersonann48
and tweeted this contest!
Thanks, [email protected]

mimilovesall8 said...

I followed you on Twitter-andersonann48
and tweeted this contest!
Thanks, [email protected]

mimilovesall8 said...

I subscribed to your feed!
Thanks,[email protected]

mimilovesall8 said...

I followed your feed!
Thanks,[email protected]

jasmine741 said...

I would love to try gingersnap vanilla

Anonymous said...

GFC follower. Green Tea Citrus.

nemesis_33012 at yahoo dot com

mimilovesall8 said...

Followed on Network blogs!
thanks,[email protected]

Anonymous said...

Febreze Twitter follower

nemesis_33012 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

RSS subscriber

nemesis_33012 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Networked Blogs follower

nemesis_33012 at yahoo dot com

K said...

Definitely Gingersnap Vanilla.. mmm that sounds like it would be so yummy!!

cutecheapclean at gmail

K said...

Following Febreze on Twitter! (rushedblue)

cutecheapclean at gmail

twtmis said...

following on twitter and retweeted

twtmis said...

like on fb

Callina said...

I follow your blog publicly with Google Friend Connect (catalinak). Also, from the indicated collection I would like to try the Yumberry Sangria scent. Thank you for hosting this giveaway.

Callina said...

I follow Febreze on Twitter (@Ckhalaj).

Callina said...

I follow you on Twitter (@CKhalaj) and have tweeted about the giveaway:

Callina said...

I subscribe to your RSS feed via Google Reader (subscriber no. 90).

Callina said...

I follow you via Networked Blogs (catalina khalaj).

eclairre said...

I follow on GFC & I'd like Green tea citrus scent.

Kia89 said...

I follow your blog. I would like to try the Gingersnap Vanilla.
[email protected]

Ellen said...

I would definitely get the Green Tea! Thanks and hope I win!!

Ellen said...

I added you to my GoogleReader feed!!
[email protected]

Unknown said...

following your blog

Unknown said...

Anjou Pear Spice sounds nice!!

Anonymous said...

Yumberry Sangria sounds amazing.
my email is [email protected]

I hope I win :)

Anonymous said...

Following you and febreeze on twitter as Princess_Ginjer :)

magic5905 said...

I follow. The cranberry pear sounds good.
Thanks. [email protected]

Anonymous said...

I am gfc follower tracietrump! I would love to try the Anjou Pear! [email protected]

AmandaC said...

I follow via Google Friend Connect
I'm most excited to try the Gingersnap Vanilla, anything Vanilla makes my heart skip a beat :)

Tyler said...

Follow you with GFC (Tyler Reavis). Gingersnap Vanilla sounds awesome. Or maybe Willow Blossom.

[email protected]

Tyler said...

Follow Febreze on Twitter. (always6139)

[email protected]

Tyler said...

Follow you on Twitter. (always6139)

[email protected]

Tyler said...



[email protected]

Tyler said...

Follow you on Networked Blogs. (Tyler Reavis)

[email protected]

Debbie said...

I'm a follower, and I'm excited to try Gingersnap Vanilla!

Debbie P: rebbiedeed(at)hotmail(dot)com

agordon10 said...

I like gingersnap vanilla.

Anonymous said...

GFC follower
i want to try Gingersnap Vanilla.
[email protected]

Jenn S. said...

Following via GFC: JennS

I would like to try the Orange Honeycomb.

jas8929 at gmail dot com

buzzd said...

follow gfc and cranberry pear is my choice

buzzd said...

follow febreeze on twitter @buzz8

buzzd said...


Jessica said...

I follow your blog through google friend connect. I would love to try the Cranberry Pear scent.
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

I follow Febreze on twitter (@jjak2003)
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

I follow you through twitter and tweeted
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

I follow you through twitter and tweeted 2
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

I follow you through Networked Blogs (Jessica Miller)
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Marjo said...

I would defintiely like to try them all!

Sheila Hickmon said...

Google Friend Connect Follower! I'd like the Green Tea Citrus!

fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com

Sheila Hickmon said...

Febreze Twitter follower {mom2anutball}

fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com

Sheila Hickmon said...

Your Twitter follower {@mom2anutball}, and tweeted!

fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com

Anonymous said...

I like the Gingersnap Vanilla and I follow
thank you
[email protected]

daveg0929 said...

GFC follower. Green Tea Citrus is my fav.

daveg0929 said...

Febreze Twitter follower @daveg0929

daveg0929 said...

Follow you on Twitter

daveg0929 said...


daveg0929 said...

I subscribe to your RSS feed via Google Reader

Nicole C. said...

I follow on gfc and am most excited to try the Cranberry Pear.


sustahl said...

I follow you on GFC (Susan S.) and I would get the Orange Honeycomb

prizeentry @ wesharewithyou dot com

sustahl said...

I follow febreze on twitter @rsmstahley

prizeentry @ wesharewithyou dot com

Cat B said...

Rosewood Plum would be my pick!

Cat B said...

I'm following you via google [bellaluna221[at]gmail[dot]come]

Unknown said...

Follow Febreeze on twitter @amandawk

Unknown said...

Tweeted http://twitter.com/amandawk/status/28728921338

Unknown said...

Tweeted #2 http://twitter.com/amandawk/status/28728921338

Anonymous said...

Willow Blossom would be great.

Sharon Harmon said...

I would love to smell the Orange Honeycomb! ;)
[email protected]

Kristen said...

I'd like to try the Green Tea Citrus.

couponboss at gmail dot com

llinda29 said...

I want cranberry pear

Happy Camper said...

I'm following you on GFC and I love the Orange Honeycomb.

Happy Camper said...

I'm following Febreze_Fresh on Twitter as HazelFinn.

Happy Camper said...

I'm following Samasam on Twitter as HazelFinn.

Happy Camper said...

I tweeted the giveaway as HazelFinn.

Happy Camper said...

I'm subscribed the rss feed via google reader as danabeeman (at) gmail (dot) com.

Happy Camper said...

I'm following you on networked blogs as Dana Beeman on facebook.

Unknown said...

I follow and would like the cranberry pear
Awesome contest! Thanks for entering me!
Janna Johnson
[email protected]
[email protected]

Tracey said...

I'd like to try the Willow Blossom.

jenspurg said...

Follow on GFC. I would like the gingersnap vanilla.
[email protected]

jenspurg said...

Follow on Networked BLogs.
[email protected]

jenspurg said...

Follow Febreze on Twitter. @jen_r_horn
[email protected]

jenspurg said...

Subscribe in Google Reader.
[email protected]

shelbers434 said...

I follow on GFC and would like to try gingersnap vanilla
[email protected]

Unknown said...

I'd like to try the Gingersnap Vanilla scent. I follow you on google friend connect. (Kelly Deaton) Thanks for the chance!
Kelly D. ~ dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com

Unknown said...

I follow Frebeze on twitter. (@dkad23)
Kelly D. ~ dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com

Unknown said...

I follow you on twitter (@dkad23) and tweeted. - (#1)
Kelly D. ~ dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com

Unknown said...

I follow you on twitter (@dkad23) and tweeted. - (#2)
Kelly D. ~ dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com

Unknown said...

I subscribe to your RSS feed in google reader.
Kelly D. ~ dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com

Unknown said...

I follow you thru networked blogs. (Kelly Deaton)
Kelly D. ~ dkad23(at)gmail(dot)com

tristatecruisers said...

follow via GFC and would like to try the cranberry pear :)

tristatecruisers at yahoo dot com

K said...

Already a subscriber via RSS :)

cutecheapclean at gmail

Serafina said...

I really would like to try the Gingersnap Vanilla scent!

serafinac (at) gmail (dot) com

josieke said...

cranberry pear sounds aazing
i follow you at GFC as josieke ricks

hale2005 said...

I am following fabreeze on twitter.


hale2005 said...

I am following Susan on twitter for 2 extra entries. I have also Retweeted.



Mami2jcn said...

I subscribe to your emails.

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

jenspurg said...

Twitter follower and tweeted.
[email protected]

jenspurg said...

Twitter follower and tweeted.
[email protected]

Mrs. Lefler said...

following on Google Friend Connect I love Green Tea Citrus!

saving your green at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Gingersnap Vanilla sounds really nice!

Nicole Larsen said...

I follow via Google Connect and would love to try the Orange Honeycomb :)

[email protected]

Nicole Larsen said...

I follow Febreze on Twitter @pittsy82

[email protected]

Nicole Larsen said...

I follow you on Twitter @Pittsy82 and tweeted http://twitter.com/pittsy82/status/28901331454

[email protected]

Nicole Larsen said...

I follow via Networked Blogs (Nicole Pitts)

[email protected]

Nicole Larsen said...

I subscribe via RSS Google Reader

[email protected]

Angie said...

I would pick The Gingersnap vanilla! It sounds so warm and cozy!!

rennieangie at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I subscribed to RSS Feed

[email protected] said...

I subscribed to RSS feed

Tamara B. said...

Follower GFC.
I like their Cranberry Pear scent.

Tamara B. said...

Subscriber in RSS.

Tamara B. said...

Follower Networked Blogs.
(Tamara Bennington)

Laura said...

I would like to try the Cranberry Pear!

Laura said...

I like Febreeze on Twitter @tcgirl11

Laura said...

Like you twitter and tweeted:http://twitter.com/tcgirl11/status/28922302920

Laura said...

Like you twitter and tweeted:http://twitter.com/tcgirl11/status/28922302920

Laura said...

I follow on Netoworked Blogs

EmilyB said...

I would love the Gingersnap Vanilla


EmilyB said...

I subscribe via Google Reader!


Karen said...

I subscribe via Google. I would like to try gingersnap vanilla.

lemontart5kb at gmail dot com

Angel Jacklyn said...


Angel Jacklyn said...



Angel Jacklyn said...

FOLLOWING YOU ON TWITTER USER NAME "kytah00" & TWEETED http://twitter.com/#!/kytah00/status/28965074534 [email protected]

Angel Jacklyn said...

EMAIL SUBSCRIBER [email protected]

Angel Jacklyn said...

RSS SUBSCRIBER TOO [email protected]

Angel Jacklyn said...

NETWORKED BLOGS FOLLOWER facebook.com/kytah00 [email protected]

clc408 said...

Following on gfc
Rosewood Plum would be my choice.

JC said...

GFC follower. I’d like to try Rosewood Plum. Tcarolinep at gmail dot com

JC said...

Follow Febreze on Twitter

JC said...

@tcarolinep follower.http://twitter.com/tcarolinep/status/29054652440

JC said...

I'm a subscriber

JC said...

@tcarolinep follower.http://twitter.com/tcarolinep/status/29054652440

Anonymous said...

Orange Honeycomb for me!

Anonymous said...

Following Febreze on Twitter @getalonghome

Anonymous said...

Tweet: http://twitter.com/Getalonghome/statuses/29073318976

Anonymous said...

I follow via Networked Blogs: Cindy Dyer

Little Miss Sunshine said...

Cranberry Pear sounds like my favorite! GFC follower.

Unknown said...

Follow Featured Product Reviews via GFC
I would pick the Rosewood Plum scent

Unknown said...

Follow Febreze_Fresh on twitter

Unknown said...

#1 - Follow on twitter, as Gerisandoval

Unknown said...

#2 - Follow on twitter, as Gerisandoval

Unknown said...

Subscribe via RSS feed

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