John Paul Is Taking Care Of Our Pets

Most of us are pretty choosy in regard to products we use on a daily basis.  When I'm choosing shampoo, or soap for myself I'm selective in regards to quality of ingredients as well as addressing my hair or skin's needs.   It's only sensible to take those same precautions with our pets, after all they are valued family members.

John Paul DeJoria, co-founder of Paul Mitchell, founded John Paul Pet which is pretty much the equivalent of Paul Mitchell Hair products. High quality with an affordable price tag.

The pet shampoos and conditioners are optimum pH balanced and comprised of moisturizing botanicals so that your pet's fur and skin is left moisturized and healthy.  The products are devoid of hash chemicals and junk.

I used the Awapoochi Shampoo and Awapoochi Conditioning Rinse with Shine Memory on my cat with really good results.  Of course I had trepidations about bathing my cat, since cats don't take too kindly to water.   I stuck a canister in the tub, filled it with warm water and used a wash cloth to wet my cat.  He did just fine.

He may be tuckered out, but he looks amazing!  no more dander and his fur is silky smooth.  Even though cats are self-cleaning machines, I feel this was beneficial and would do it again.  Dogs require at least monthly baths and I couldn't  recommend better products to get the job done.

John Paul Pet Tooth & Gum Wipes

Good Oral Hygiene is important for animals

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

Whether you have a cat or a dog you surly appreciate the import of good oral hygiene for your pet.  A high percentage of cats suffer from periodontal disease and teeth cleanings are a common veterinary procedure. A year or so ago my cat underwent this procedure.  It wasn't fun.  In spite of the fact that I requested a mild sedation he came home completely catatonic.  I vowed to be more diligent at brushing his teeth, but brushing kitty's teeth is not easy.  Fortunately John Paul Pet Tooth & Gum Wipes make this arduous task doable. Mainly comprised of backing soda and mint, will leave you pet's teeth and breath clean.

All products are very affordable which is something I really appreciate considering I already spend more money on my cat than I do myself on a monthly basis.

Where to find John Paul Pet?

Visit John Paul Pet store locator to find a local retailer, or you can find John Paul Pet products on

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`Test samples may of been provided, most likely per my request or based on experience with product featured, no other compensation was provided and review is based on my personal opinion.

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Unknown said...

My dog could use something for her breath.

Sue said...

My Momo hates to be bathed he will jump out of the tub every chance he gets, I get soaked and so does the whole bathroom.

Anonymous said...

my dog loves taking baths, but I need to do something for his breath!

Nesca said...

My kitty does not like the water but sometimes i just have to wash him up when he gets all stinky especially from stepping in his own poo by mistake in the litter box. It's definitely an ordeal but i just sometimes choose to use wipes instead because its easier.

freshsamanthaaa said...

My cats hate baths but they get stinky and have dandruff! I would love to try a new soap for them.

Linda Szymoniak said...

I have five Treeing Walker Coonhounds and three cats so you can imagine the trouble I have on bath day. I typically only bathe a couple of the dogs on the same day and spread things out over a few days. They aren't good about me brushing their teeth, either, so I'm always looking for things that would make that easier.

Unknown said...

my dog hates getting her teeth brushed so we have to get give her those greenies

Some Lucky Dog said...

Glacier is not a bath fan! I bath her in a deep sink and she's always trying to climb out!

Deanna said...

My dog will stand really still for a bath, but she HATES having her mouth/teeth touched. It is a pain.

Anonymous said...

My Huskie is so hard to bath because his fur is virtually water proof and hard to get wet to a point where I can lather him up.

Anonymous said...

Taking a bath is no problem but his breath is bad, and he doesn't let me or my husband brush his teeth.

David Cory said...

My dog does not care to get his teeth brushed at all

Unknown said...

Other than those teeth bones I don't do anything else for my dogs teeth ;/. I probably should.

Danielle Porter said...

I give our dog a bath about once a month, which she is normally fine with, it's the teeth brushing that doesn't happen!

Unknown said...

One of my dogs loves water. My other has a serious aversion to it: she doesn't even like to walk on wet grass and bathing is always difficult.

Brittany M said...

Both of my dogs breath are terrible. The bath part isn't too bad once I get them in there.

Unknown said...

Our dog loves the water so loves getting a bath. He does not care to get his teeth brushed.

Unknown said...

My dog is very hairy ~ being a cocker spaniel ~ I just can't get enough lather ~ he don't care to get his teeth brushed ~ will stay away from you if he knows what is coming ♥

Anonymous said...

marie:[email protected]

i always bath my pets with 2 shampoos so one is normal and the other is like flea and tick to protec them from outside

Jessica A said...

he hates it. scratching me and biting me everywhere! ughhh

Brynn said...

My puppy is so sweet but she hates bath time! She will not hold still and brushing her teeth is also not easy, but I do it because I love her and want her to be healthy and clean

Janet said...

My dogs hates getting baths

Anonymous said...

My dog (Maltese) is a clean freak so she doesn't mind baths. She doesn't like getting her teeth brushed nor will she eat dry dog food so it makes it worse for her teeth.

Anonymous said...

My dog (Maltese) is a clean freak so she doesn't mind baths. She doesn't like getting her teeth brushed nor will she eat dry dog food so it makes it worse for her teeth.

Victoria Nyquist said...

My dog absolutely HATES taking a bath! We always have to do it outside because he shakes the water everywhere!

Julie said...

My dog does not like to stay in the tub for his bath - it gets to be quite a mess.

Ingrid said...

Our dog loves to bath, go to the groomer and look pretty. She doesn't mind getting her teeth brushed either.

christine said...

I hate to admit this but I don't brush my cat's teeth at all. A long time ago I bought some fish flavored cat toothpaste and one of those brushes you put on your finger and tried to brush her teeth. But it was such a miserable experience for both of us that I gave up after a few tries.

Cassie Hayes said...

My dog being a black lab weimeiriner mix it's hard to get his under coat wet and soaped up. Then by the time you get it done it takes forever to get all the soap rinsed out. You think it's done but then nope. Then he likes to shake before you get him outside.

Debbie said...

My dog does not like to get his teeth brushed or take a bath. When he sees me gather the bath supplies he hides.

Ashley said...

My dog adores getting a bath! She really loves the running water. She gets a bath about once a month. We haven't done full teeth brushing yet--just purchasing and using good treats/bones that are supposed to help with that.

Elsa said...

Bath time is usually ok, but brushing teeth requires coaxing, maneuvering, and empty threats.

Anonymous said...

The gum/tooth wipes seem like a great idea for my dog who refuses teeth brushing!

Anonymous said...

My dog's breath is smelly but she refuses to allow us to brush her teeth! The wipes seem like a great option!

Kate F. said...

My dogs aren't very cooperative regarding baths. It takes two people to brush their teeth.

Dawn said...

I would describe bath time as a wet wrestling match.

Lisa V. said...

The two dogs I have are polar opposites. I have to fight off the black lab from getting in the shower with me while the Italian Mastiff fights to stay out of the water.

jeanette latter said...

After chasing my two cats around for half an hour, under and over all the furniture, I get them into the bath only to also end up in the bath with them, yes this happens every week.

Unknown said...

I have shepherds and it is always hard to bathe them and keep up with their hygiene. They may look tough, but they are sissys when it comes to bath time.

Anonymous said...

We have a hard time getting our dog into the tub but once we accomplish the task he submits. We usually give soup bones to clean his teeth.

[email protected]

Erica C. said...

It just always leaves a huge mess on my floors!

Unknown said...

I tried to give my cat a bath about a year ago. Let's just say I'll never attempt that again. :)

Sky Evans said...

My dog hates bathing and smells

Heather! said...

I have always had such problems with the logistics of bathing my dogs! I feel really lucky right now that there's a car and dog wash on the property where we live. So easy!!

jill190 said...

We have two dog, but my German Shepard, chow, husky mix bred decided to take a swim in the stinkest ditch by the dike. I could have killed her, after 4 bath. She had her new name stink and it has stuck all these years.

Unknown said...

We dont have much of an ordeal. Out kitty lily is pretty good in the bath. However, her skin is super sensitive

Unknown said...

Brushing my pets teeth can definitely be a challenge. My dog just wants to sit there and lick off all the toothpaste. The front teeth are the easiest.

Deborah G. said...

Bath time with my 2 cats leaves a huge mess!

Stacy said...

I have to trick my dog to get him in the bathtub by sitting on the couch and letting him jump into my lap. We used to take his collar off the day he was going to get one, but now we take it off a few days before his bath. I have never been able to brush his teeth at home, we take him to the vet for that.

LesleyfromWI said...

Keeping my dog in the tub for his bath is a chore!

Unknown said...

our dogs hate to get baths and get dandruff. we would enjoy trying something new to help them out.
gabbflabber at

Raina said...

OMG, we have to tie the dog to a tree or a fence or the deck or something.

Anne E said...

We take our dog to a pet store to groom her so we can strap her in at eye level. She tries to lean as far away as she can. We seem to have the only lab mix in the world that doesn't like water. Luckily she's prissy in other ways so she doesn't need many baths.

Anonymous said...

the dogs stay in tub longer than me !!! lol.

Billie @ Rowell Reviews said...

Both of my dogs just barely tolerate taking baths, so I get them in and out as quick as I can. kekagel(at)

Karrie said...

I had this come up last night for bath time. What I dont get is that my dogs will take on big scary strangers that try to trespass but my god you give them a bath and its the end of the world..LOL. I am serious, its like complete melt down time. You should have seen the last night. and they complain during the whole bath or shower, but after its done, do you think its over. NO WAY. then they whine how could I have done that to them after the bath..LOL..its actually adorable

skii_gurl95 said...

They're usually pretty good about baths but teeth brushing is another story.

Marilyn said...

He tolerates baths but there is no way he is going to let me brush his teeth

Deb K said...

I get just as wet as the dogs when I give them a bath!

Unknown said...

My dog does not care to get his teeth brushed at all :)

amanda whitley said...

we bathe our cats only to give them the occasional flea bath in the summer.

Anonymous said...

My 8 year old "Mixed Terrier" loves her baths..teeth brushed not so much.It's hard to get her teeth done. She clamps her teeth, I need a finger brush or massager for her!

poor_salieri said...

Our dog plays a lot so he gets baths often. He likes to take bathes at home. But brushing his teeth. He wants no part of it!

susansmoaks said...

i haven't ever tried to brush my dog's teeth. i think she would be good for it. i give her biscuits to clean her teeth.

i am tony l smoaks on rafflecopter.

blew415 said...

My pups love jumping in puddles but absolutely hate taking baths!

heymissvirginia said...

I have to give my dog a bath with me, when I'm in the shower. That is the only way she will take one. I haven't tried brushing her teeth yet.
heymissvirginia at embarqmail dot com

Jasmine P said...

My little guy hates taking a bath! He always tries to jump out!


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