Udderly Smooth Skin; What The Doctor Ordered

Assorted Products from Udderly Smooth

Diabetics have to be extremely careful with their feet.  One reason is due to slow healing from cuts and abrasions and a high risk of infections.  Diabetics are also prone to dry skin which can cause a myriad of foot problems.   The number one recommendation by doctors is to keep feet moisturized via a topical cream, and Udderly Smooth appears to be a favorite amongst doctors.

Doctors know it's effective 

What is good enough for mama cow's sensitive udder and teats have proven to be equally as effective  at alleviating the driest of skin for us people.  Udderly Smooth is a must-have for every household. Especially this time of year with the ground breaking low temperatures causing havoc to our skin.

I've recently started using the Udderly Smooth Shea Butter foot cream on my severely dry chapped feet and I am already seeing a big improvement.   All their products are devoid of alcohol and can be used on sunburned skin without irritation.  

Udderly Smooth is easily found at you local grocer, drug store and general retail stores for a very affordable price.

Visit udderlysmooth.com for more info.

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doreen lamoureux said...

Yes, I have tried this product before and I like it. I found that it made a difference. This year, it is so dry from the extra cold weather. This cream would be a well needed treat.


The Happy Clown With A Frown said...

I have used Udderly Smooth before and I love it! My skin feels instantly better, smoother and looks good. It absorbs quickly so there is no greasy feeling too.

jerseygirl137 said...

Yes, I do use Udderly Smooth and so does my whole family and it does work

Unknown said...

Yes, My husband uses this product daily

robynl said...

I have never used this product before

cjabdelnour said...


mitch1066 said...

I have some of this,i like its consistancy,non greasy, no annoying smell.I have tried many many creams for my severly dry skin and i keep coming back to udderly smooth.

peg42 said...

I have used Udderly products before, but would love to give them a try. Thanks so much.

Unknown said...

I have not yet used these products but I've read such good things about them ... I'd LOVE to try them!

Natalie Parvis-Nichols said...

I have used it in the past and it was great

Belinda M said...

I have not tried udderly smooth yet but would love too. My skin could use a little tlc


belinda mcnabb

Gayle said...

I have never used this product but have always wondered how well it would work. From reading the comments it seems I may have been missing out on the solution to my dry skin.

Jo Ann Moffatt said...

I haven't used Udderly Smooth before but I have heard many things about it. When my regular lotions run out I am going to buy some....or maybe I won't have to!!! Fingers crossed!

irenec said...

I have used it in the past and it's wonderful.

Anonymous said...

I have not used them yet but would love to try on my very dry winter skin

Vesper said...

I have never used any of these products before

kim said...

no i have not used this product but would love to try it

slehan said...

Have not tried them yet. Will let you know how they work for me when I win this.
Thanks for the contest.

slehan at juno dot com

steve weber said...

I've used the foot cream.. it had excellent results

groogruxking40 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

No, I have not used this products, however I've heard great things about how good your skin will feel aftger using them. Thank you for the opportunity to win. Maria Iemma

Carmen said...

I have been using Udderly Smooth for years! It does make a difference, my skin is much smoother as long as I use it regularly. Thanks for teh chance!

latanya t said...

no, I have not used the product yet

Wanda Tracey said...

I have never used the products but on the other hand I have heard such great reviews about it that I am excited to have a chance to win some here.I think my husband would be happy too because he has diabetic feet.xxoo

Andrea Amy said...

No I haven't had a chance to try them but would love to. I have really dry skin especially my hands and feet and am still looking for the perfect product for me.

Unknown said...

My sister used this lotion faithfully, and had beautiful skin! I forgot all about this stuff til I saw the post. Im going to start using it again.

Unknown said...

i have never tried these products...i would love too my skin is really dry and chapped from the cold weather

Tara said...

I have never used these products.

JeannetteNL said...

I have not yet tried this cream but have heard it is great. All winter long my hands are dry, cracked and bleeding so I would love to try this out and see if it helps. Thanks for the chance to win!

pippirose said...

I have never used these products, but have heard great things from people who do.

Sherri Lewis said...

I haven't ever tried their products before

melvinasweetfeet said...

I have used Udderly Smooth

Heidi C. said...

I haven't used these products before but I'm very interested in trying them!

Unknown said...

Yes I have used the products & they work great!

Courtnie said...

I haven't tried them, but I would love to.

samdaleo said...

I have never used this product but I am dying to try! My skin is so unbelievably dry!

Anonymous said...

I bought this for my husband's awful feet and it is really working.

slhaydon at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I have not used these products before

Viv Sluys said...

I have not tried this but I think my mom uses it. I've heard about it a lot!

Cheryl Chervitz said...

I have never used these products.

2justByou said...

I haven't tried any of their products yet, but I've heard great things about the company.
Thanks for the chance.

Karen F said...

I have never tried them but from the reviews and other comments they sound good.

Unknown said...

I haven't had the chance to try it yet

jasmyth10 said...

I have never used this product but it sounds fantastic!

Pat said...

Haven't had the chance yet, but would love to try them

annemarie562000 said...

I have not used these products yet!


crystletellerday said...

i never tried them but my cousin did and she loves them [email protected]

Clair Shumack said...

I haven't used them before and my legs get so dry in the winter!

MoonRae said...

My mom used to use them and swore by their handcream

[email protected]

Danielle Davis/Grady said...

I have not used them before but i would love to try them! :)
Thank you!
Suchaproudmama @ yahoo.com

SHAYNA said...



[email protected]

Lisa said...

I have not tried these products yet.

sottovoce said...

I have not used the products...but am looking forward to trying them. :-) Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I have never tried the product but I am excited to try it. I am always looking for a moisturizer that doesn't feel greasy when I put it on.

tlcfromtn said...

I have not tried them yet but would love to!

Heather C said...

I never have, but I think my elbows would love it!

Kimberley Meier said...

I haven't tried these yet but would love to!

Kimberley Meier
momof3chaos at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I have not used them myself but my daughter does and she keeps telling me to get some so here I am trying to win them :) thanks!

LesleyfromWI said...

I have yet to try these products but I hope I win so that I can!

celina k said...

I haven't tried them yet, thanks for the opportunity!

catrinkaleigh said...

haven't tried them yet but love the name

Angela M said...

I have not used these products. I have always wanted to though!

Leanne Hill said...

I havent tried them out yet, but would love to!

Unknown said...

I have not tried them.

Sarah Perry said...

I haven't tried them out before, but I have heard so many great things that i would love to try these products.
oddball2003 at hotmail dot com

Peggy Damon said...

I haven't tried these products and my skin is in need of them!!


Unknown said...

I tried a sample once and loved it!

Rhonda Tenderholt said...

Hi Lisa, I have used this product before, actually, I have a really small tube I bought at the dollar tree that I'm currently using...but I don't use it as often as I should...and yes, it does make my hands softer when I consistently use it.

Unknown said...

i have never used these products

Anonymous said...

Hay you can alway find new products i would be willing to try for smoother skin oh ys


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