Sound+Sleep Will Lull You To Sleep

In the past I've had serious bouts of insomnia.  Throughout the ordeal I've learned quite a few things on "sleep hygiene", that is the dos and don'ts of achieving a good night's sleep.

 I also learned the value of sleep.  I wasn't functioning very well; understatement, when I wasn't sleeping and I felt awful.  However, there are worse problems to be had.  If left untreated sleep deprivation can lead to a host of serious health issues including heart problems.

One thing that I learned and has helped me is a white noise machine,  I have been using one for several years. The basic purpose of a white noise machine is to mask noise.  This is instrumental for helping me to fall asleep by keeping outside distractions to a minimum.

But, what if there were a sleep machine that did more than just mask outside distractions, but actually went a step further and lulled you off to sleep?

The Sound+Sleep; sleep therapy system, is a natural sleep aid that goes the extra mile and will not only mask outside noises, but induces relaxation with their advanced patented technology. 

Sound+Sleep offers ten sound settings

Not all noise machines are created equal.  I have come across quite a few that didn't have the sound quality of Sound+Sleep.  They usually sound very irritating and seem as if they would completely defeat their purpose.

Sounds of a Meadow

Not the case with Sound+Sleep, the best I've come across to date.    The founder of ASTI; Adaptive Sound Technologies Inc., sole purpose was to produce a quality product that would naturally induce sleep.  All the sounds are very high quality, calming and relaxing.

Some innovative features of Sleep+Sound include an adaptive mode that will actually adjust to your environment.  I usually keep the volume at medium, but if there were an unexpected noise; such as a siren, the volume will increase as need be to camouflage the noise.

  • Rotary sound profile selector
  • One touch volume adjustment
  • Lighted Display control for nighttime operation (this feature lets you turn off the display lights)
  • SoundStory Richness control
  • Adaptive mode selector
  • 4 level sleep timer (30,60,90,120 minutes)
    with gradual turn off or continuous play

The quality is phenomenal, the sound is not merely one dimensional, but rather multi-layered.  I like that everything is completely adjustable.  Last night I had the sound set to Rainfall, there was mild thunder in the background.  It sounded so real I thought it might actually be raining.    It was so relaxing, I feel that I'm even getting a better nights sleep. 

You also have the option to set the timer for up to two hours.  I personally choose to keep it on throughout the night, because I feel like I'm getting a better quality sleep. 

My faves are the rainfall, brook, ocean, waterfall, fireplace and I also really love meditation.  Meditation features the new age music that you hear when you're having a massage or in a pilates stretch class.  Beyond relaxing!

Sound+Sleep; PTPA Winner

Sound+Sleep is parent tested and parent approved. Valuable for parents with little ones; or older ones, that are easily distracted or have a hard time relaxing. 

I also think Sound+Sleep would make a fantastic gift. I don't know of anyone who wouldn't appreciate the gift of relaxation.

Found best price on Ecotones Sound + Sleep Machine (ACT FAST)

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Hyzennthlay said...

This is a great giveaway! My son sleeps so much better with some background noise in the room. I have an iphone application that does a pretty good job, but then my phone is usually dead by the end of the night.

~dab said...

This would be great for my son in college - it would help mask the sounds from his roommates.

Cathy W said...

This would be a good product for someone working a swing shift.

Donna D said...

I think this is a Super Nice Giveaway, and one my husband and I both need. Im going to try my best to win :)
Thank You for the chance!
[email protected]

Donna D said...

My husband does work a swing shift, and I think your right, I do think this would help him get to sleep and stay asleep longer...
I read about Sound+Sleep a lot, it sure sounds like a get to sleep sweet dreams machine.
[email protected]

jessesweeps said...

I hardly ever get a good nights rest, looks like this might help out!

michelle cooke said...

I can not sleep in quite.. this would be so wonderful to have.. following you

mouster71 at gmail dot com

Celeste said...

I would LOVE to win this -- I HAVE to have some sort of sound when I sleep. Currently, I have an air purifier on while I sleep.

[email protected]

Chip said...

I like that you can "turn display lights off further to make SOUND+SLEEP™ ideal for nighttime use." Jill L

Anna F said...

I saw that I can hear the sound of the city! I love that!
email in my profile

Anonymous said...

i can't sleep at night so i need this.
flyergal82 At (yahoo) /dot/ $com#

Anna F said...

I just wanted to thank you for a great blog. I love to just sit and read your postings! Thanks

Anonymous said...

This sounds like an awesome sleep tool...thanks for the chance to win it and for the review. dguillen at kc dot rr dot com

Anonymous said...

I learned that they have city sounds!
[email protected]

CJ said...

If you live with someone that has insomnia, soon, you find yourself having awful sleep too because they are tossing and turning or talking to you etc. I would love to get this for my husband because he has been on sleep aids for over a decade and I DO NOT want him to continue to damage his body with these awful pills. I see that this helps you to get off pills and I really like that
princesaportuguese at gmail dot com

Allen S. said...

Maybe it will help me sleep

Not So Average Mama said...

I have huge issues with sleeping and this would totally help

humanecats said...

I have such bad insomnia that I've hallucinated before. This would be a real God send for me.

humanecats at gmail dot com

Libby's Library said...

I soooooo want to win this - I have numerous sleep disorders, caused by a brain injury, so I must take medication BUT I also have to have a fan on whenever I sleep, and this drives my husband crazy. I think that this would be a great substitute. Thanks for the gieveaway!


Sue E said...

I learned that white noise and other well produced natural sound profiles can ease your tinnitus suffering.

[email protected]

Helen Keeler said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Helen Keeler said...

What caught my eyes is to learn that "White noise and other well produced natural sound profiles can ease your tinnitus suffering."
[email protected]

cjabdelnour said...

I need some background noise to sleep. This is perfect for me. Cheryl [email protected]

Anonymous said...

I didnt know that Lunesta had so many
side effects. linda brooks [email protected]

Annie said...

I learned that it helps with rich natural sleep.

[email protected]

linda stocks said...

Liked, and followed on google friend connect, I like the fact that the system listens to your enviroment and adjusts the sound level accordingly.

Anonymous said...

I have a problem sleeping alone in my new apartment! I would LOVE to use this system to calm my mind before I sleep. (Erin Mize)

amasfun46 said...

I follow GFC and easy to use it seems and agood nights sleep would be very welcome
amasfun4evr at gmail dot com

amasfun46 said...

I Follow @samasam on Twitter/amasfun46
amasfun4evr at gmail dot com

amasfun46 said...

"Like" Featured-Product-Reviews on Facebook
amasfun4evr at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

you can turn display lights off
gfc follower [email protected]
[email protected]

Anonymous said...

This is the only system that "listens" to your enivironment and adjusts sound levels.
I follow on GFC(kellyr78)


Anonymous said...

Now that my kids are older, I need some white noise in the background to help me sleep better.

Cheryl Blask said...

I enjoy reading your blog. I covet the Sound+Sleep for many reasons...the sound selection, the creative modes of the sound delivery and the fact that doctors are now recommending these machines for therapeutic effect.

mogrill said...

I learned it adjusts the sound level according to your environment.
Thanks for the chance.
[email protected]

Robin Quick said...

I love the sound of rain on a tin roof when sleeping... so relaxing!
mnrquick at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I like that it has lengthy, and primarily natural sound recordings. I have a few cds that are short and keep waking me up.
magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

Janna Johnson said...

love the hd sound profiles
Thanks so much!! Janna Johnson [email protected] janna@feedyourpig on gfc

Darlene said...

My husband sure could use this. He has trouble falling asleep and keeps me up at the same time. This would be great.
Thanks for the giveaway chance.

3kids and me said...

my daughter has to have something running in the background- fan - radio - anything she lays on the airconditioner vent just to hear the whistle

Deb Anderson said...

I like that the volume adjusts automatically

tnshadylady at

City Kids said...

Great Blog! I love the different sound choices.

McKim said...

The new SOUND+SLEEP™ from Adaptive Sound Technologies, Inc. (ASTI) responds to sudden background disturbances by adjusting its sound output to better mask the noise.

Jessica Peeling said...

I love that they came up with something so innovative! I have tried herbal remedies for my lack of sleep, but so far nothing has really done the trick.

sebsmom9 said...

I like how the sounds are varied and changed so that it doesn't seem like you are hearing the same loop of sound over and over. My son listens to a different noise machine while he sleeps and the quick loop drives me crazy.

Jennifer Rote said...

I need noise to sleep. My partner wants silence. I think this might work for us.

[email protected]

Delia said...

Wow, I would love a Sound+Sleep machine! What caught my eye is the face that its doctor recommended as well as the fact that is has 10 high definition sounds! I'm excited hope I win it!

Anonymous said...

i didnt realize you could use this for tinnitus

[email protected]

Anonymous said...

i want one of these for my dad and one for my son (who is 6) - i have to have complete silence when I sleep

[email protected]

Pat said...

Having a hard time going to sleep runs in my family. I would love to try using this instead of over the counter medicines

James and Monica said...

I love our sound machine, but the baby now has it in her room! I need one. I love that it has 10 different sounds! TEN!!

Laura H. said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I have always wanted a sound machine because I cannot sleep when it's quiet. For me, there is nothing more relaxing than falling asleep to the sound of a thunderstorm.


Tara said...

Great giveaway! I have to have some noise when I am asleep normally the Fan on High lol My husband hates it!!!! But a sound machine by be a great middle ground!

tia said...

It listens to your enviornment and adjusts its volume cool!

Carrie said...

I love that SOUND+SLEEP™ is designed to help you sleep, without using dangerous drugs


Kathy said...

I learned that sound+sleep automatically adjust volume according to sounds in your environment.

Kathy said...

I sure do hope I win this cause I have so much trouble with sleep!

Tabitha said...

i follow you via gfc and i like the white noise option.
[email protected]

ckfrrt said...

I like the adaptive sound technology that changes with your environment so you have a consistent sound level.I live on a busy street and trucks are aways driving by this would keep all the noise out.

Ellie Wright said...

I follow via GFC (ellie) and I learned that it's more effective than over the counter sleep aids.

Ellie Wright said...

My little grandson has to have a fan on to sleep and I worry that he will get too cold in the winter. This is just what he needs.

Michele P. said...

the sound system will not mask security or fire alarms in your home.

micaela6955 at msn dot com

Michele P. said...

I have been really tired lately, and something soothing would be just the trick to help me sleep.

micaela6955 at msn dot com

Anonymous said...


I'd love to own this. For years I have had trouble falling asleep, and restlessness.

GFC: Dominique

couponcookie at gmail dot com

[email protected] said...

sandyandcosmo said...

This would be better than the fan I run now!

Unknown said...

I have sleep apnea so need all the help I can get to get a good nights sleep!

giveawaymommy at yahoo dot com

rawfish55 said...

I saw that I can hear the sound of the city

PebblesGood said...

I learned that you could use this for tinnitus. I personally would love to have this because it might help me to fall asleep without the use of tylenol pm every night.

Farrah Shumway said...

Wow, I learned that this can even help with childhood obesity. It can help a kid get a better night sleep without tossing & turning which helps them grow better & help with their weight.
That's pretty cool!

[email protected]

damiesmom said...

it has speakers on the top of the unit so that it can be heard better in the room
damiesmom at ymail dot com

Mercedes said...

Hey, I learned that I'm not the only one who likes falling asleep to the sound of trains!

[email protected]

Christopher J. Chambers said...

This is an amazing machine. My old roommate had one and it really worked wonders!

Braxs Mommy said...

This thing looks AWESOME! im 27 wks preggers and i def NEED sleep! Lol
i learned that its DR recommended, which really makes a difference to me when making a purchase!

Amanda B. said...

I wasn't sure if you wanted a separate comment for the mandatory entry, so I entered it here and in the extra info box.

I learned that it comes recommended by a Sleep Clinic specialist.

Amanda B. said...

Entry - I had to shorten the Twitter message a bit to make it fit :(

rawfish55 said...

I hardly ever get a good nights rest, looks like this might help out!

Anonymous said...

I like the different sound choices..didnt know they had that. This is a great blog. Like the site...Tonya Morrison

Jessica said...

I have a lot of medical issues that make sleeping very difficult. And being the single mother of a 4 yr old boy, I could really use something like this to help me get that much needed sleep!

Julie said...

I learned that it helps get that deep sleep that you need
hebb dot julie at gmail dot com

laurie said...

I follow with gfc great selection of music

rawfish55 said...

I learned that it helps with rich natural sleep.

tlcrum06 said...

Awesome giveaway!! I would love to have one of these!! Thanks!
tlcrum06 @ att dot net

Erin Slattery said...

Ty for the giveaway. beezhappee12(at)

Anonymous said...

I would to win.I need help to go to sleep.

meghan w said...

I'd love to win this as my dad requires a "white noise" machine to fall asleep & this would be awesome to give him!

Anonymous said...

it would help me get deep sleep!
thanks for the chance

Anonymous said...

My granddaughter in a dorm room would love this to help her get to sleep when her upstairs "neighbors" are partying late. Aisling; mcgillrmcgill(at)charter(dot)

rawfish55 said...

I can not sleep in quite.

NaturallyThriftyMom said...

I learned that over half a billion people in the world suffer from occasional or chronic sleep disorders.

AshleyS said...

WOw this looks amazing I suffer horribly from insomnia and wonder if this would help!

ashleylittlehandprintsdaycare at yahoo dot com

Nancy M. said...

Great giveaway!

sonyamorris (Sonya Morris) said...

Thank you for this great giveaway! My little one loves to sleep with the white noise.

Jenn S. said...

I learned that is an authorized internet distributor.
jas8929 at gmail dot com

Missy L said...

I learned that it can listen to your environment and adjust according to that. Pretty neat.

Missy L said...

I think this sound machine would be a great alternative to sleeping pills for people who have insomnia

Linda Meyers-Gabbard said...

I follow you on GFC and this caught my eye

Using its patented Adaptive Sound™ Technology, SOUND+SLEEP™ uses a built-in microphone that continuously “listens” to its surroundings for intrusive background noises. In response to unwanted noise, SOUND+SLEEP™ dynamically re-mixes its audio playback with complementary natural sounds and automatically adjusts volume to neutralize the offending noise. When intrusive noises subside, SOUND+SLEEP™ gradually and automatically returns to normal playback settings.

madlen said...

This is a cool giveaway! I learned that this improves sleep and sleeping habits and that will help raise my test scores.

I am GFC follower!

Anonymous said...

I think I would love the Rainfall sound, possible the Fireplace as well. I'd love to try it.


Maura said...

Wow! To be able to sleep again! When I went to their web site I was fascinated to learnt was doctor recommended and that it replenishes your body and mind. :). Thank you.

Yona said...

Im so intrigued with the 'fireplace' setting. Email: yona(at)

Giveaway Hound said...

My DH has a lot of problems sleeping. This would be great for us! giveawayhound at gmail dot com

Amy V said...

i'd love to try this as i'm a pretty light sleeper- or even put it in my baby's room


I need noise to sleep...this would help!!

Jenni E. said...

I would LOVE to win this. I usually fall asleep with the TV on or a small fan, just for the noise!

Unknown said...

this would be perfect for my hubby whenever it rains he opens the window so he can hear it to sleep, only problem is the floor and my curtains get wet!

mel91284 at yahoo dot com

angie lilly said...

I follow you via GFC. I love how you can go to their site and listen to what the sounds sound like before buying!!!! really good quality recordings!
14earth at gmail dot com

angie lilly said...

My hubby has been wanting one of these for years. Most of the ones in the past have sounded horrible, but this one sounds really good! Thanks for the chance to win!
14earth at gmail dot com

rawfish55 said...

I like nature sounds.

kat said...

I have trouble sleeping and try to take medication to help and I learned that the SOUND+SLEEP Adaptive Sound Therapy System is a drug-free treatment for sleep disorders, which boasts sleep as its only side-effect. A leading consumer magazine found that “Sound machines … worked almost as well as (prescription) drugs.”
[email protected]

kat said...

Thank You so much for a great giveaway!
[email protected]

Anonymous said...

i would definitely be able to sleep [email protected]

Tamra said...

I learned that the system listens to your environment and automatically adjusts sound levels. How cool!

laurasloves said...

I love how it actually listens to your environment and adjusts the sound. This is so great as I live on the end of a air base runway!
laura dot hopelessromantic dot emerson at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I learned that it can help prevent childhood obesity. jessyisawinner (at)gmail dot com

selena west said...

i learned that really need this product!! i'm about to enter my 3rd trimester of pregnancy and don't get to sleep well, not only will it help me but my little one also once he comes. great giveaway

Darlene said...

Something I learned was it Recharges, Rejuvenates, and Refreshs it
Boosts energy, makes you feel alert, improves health and promotes your body's natural defenses with a better night's sleep.

lewalk said...

I have somehow turned into my grandmother in my older age. Lol. I could so use this. I used to hate it when she would sleep with the TV on and now I can't sleep without it and the flash from the screen drives hubby crazy. Lol.


Misusedinnocence said...

I leanred that you can turn the display lights off which is great! And I follow on gfc.

[email protected]

pauline15 said...

They have the Parent Tested, Parent Approved seal of approval. I love reading how this has helped kids as well!

jeff a said...

what caught my eye is that SOUND+SLEEP received the seal of approval from Parent Tested, Parent Approved thanks for chance

Dee N said...

So many features with this sound no other. My daughter would love this. Thanks for the giveaway.

bored2quickly said...

I follow your blog on GFC and like you on Facebook! I would love to win this! The sound adjusting to your environment is really cool! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Renee Walters
[email protected]

Unknown said...

I would love to get the sound + sleep since my newborn son is due in 2 weeks! I think it'd help us all get through the nights a little better :)

natashagt (at) live (dot) com

Clair Shumack said...

it would be nice to stop using the white noise of our tv when falling asleep!

Anonymous said...

I learned that this is a great gift for someone in a hospital or nursing home.

[email protected]

MommaM said...

This would be great for my toddler who wakes up at the slightest noise.

Unknown said...

I follow you via GFC and I love how this neutralizes background noise!

Unknown said...

This would be an awesome present for my mom!

rawfish55 said...

I learned that they have city sounds!

Krilliams said...

I love that this adjusts itself to your environment!

Kathy P said...

i think this would be great for my hubby he works night and has trouble sleeping in the day..this sounds very relaxing

Amy_M said...

This would be great for my newborn.

amybabya79 at

js22 said...

This product sounds great! My sleeping schedule is erratic - if I can't fall asleep, I turn on the light and read a book until I feel like I could get to sleep quickly!
Thanks for the giveaway!
email in blogger profile.

PAIGE said...

I learned while constant exhaustion is linked to some health problems, the cause is more often found in your habits, routines and nutrition.
[email protected]

Nick Hilleshiem said...

I learned that the Power and Timer Buttons: Play all night or automatically turn off in 30, 60, 90 or 120 minutes.

[email protected]

tammy said...

Sounds like a very useful item, I would love to try!

psychogrannie said...

This is neat as all get out! I have tinnitus and could SOOOOO use this!

brich2222 said...

I learned that is is PTPA seal of approval

brich22 at earthlink dot net

brich2222 said...

I have trouble sleeping and would love to give this a try!
brich22 at earthlink dot net

Emillie Rose said...

I haven't been sleeping well at night so I could really use this! Looks like a great product.
hisprincess886 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I like that it can pick up on sounds around me and make volume adjustments
teressaoliver at gmail dot com

McKim said...

SOUND+SLEEP’s patented Adaptive Sound™ technology adjusts volume and dynamically mixes complementary sounds into the main sound track in response to background disturbances, which will help baby get natural sleep.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like a great way to get relaxing sleeo. [email protected]

Brian E. said...

Thanks for the giveaway... In Adaptive Mode, SOUND+SLEEP dynamically adds sounds to the SoundStory and automatically adjusts volume to offer superior sound masking or neutralizing capabilities.

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
GFC Follower: Brian E.

brian e.

Knead a Latte - Ruby said...

GFC follower rubykp(at)gmail(dot)com

I thought it was interesting to learn that sound machines were more effective than over-the-counter drugs or supplements.

Anonymous said...

Wow! This sounds great - to be able to sleep without drugs - I would love that. I found it very intersting that this machine was used at the Stanford Medical Center for their patients. Also the connection between sleep problems and childhood obesity was very interesting to read about. I have suffered with sleep problems for years and obesity is a problem also. I wish I had had this info years ago. I have read all the info on this site and all of it is interesting and worth reading.

AStarrA said...!/AStarrAMama/status/116599046856122369


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