iPod Nano Watch Review

OK kids I have a treat for y'all. The new iPod Nano Watch accessory enables you to turn your iPod into a nifty watch, how cool is that? You will never have to buy a watch again! Here are some of its features:

 Protects your Nano.
 100% silicone.
 Comes in multiple colors.
 Traditional clasp to prevent from falling off.
 Fashionable look for everyday wear.
 One size fits all.
 Seats the iPod Nano® widthwise for designed viewing.
 Helps prevent moisture from your wrist.

I love the look of this watch and the fact that it comes in a multitude of colors.  A completely new way to think of watches.  Very cost effective.  Please note that this is compatible with the new iPod Nano.

You can purchuse the iPod Nano Watch assessory at Nanotch Store.  But, guess what?  The very generous folks at Nanotch would like to give two of my readers an  iPod Nano Watch accessory in color of their

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captainliss40 said...

I'm a follower on GFC. I am a follower on Twitter. captainliss40(at)gmail(dot)com

Snowy Summer said...

GFC Follower
[email protected]

Follow NANOTCHWatch on Twitter

Snowy Summer said...

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fb:suzie p. santos

Jessica said...

followed you on gfc - jessica
followed ipod nano watch on twitter
jessicatang90 at hotmail dot com

Jessica said...

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jessicatang90 at hotmail dot com

Jessica said...

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jessicatang90 at hotmail dot com

Jessica said...

liked post on facebook 1
jessica tang
jessicatang90 at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

liked post on facebook 2
jessica tang
jessicatang90 at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

ipod nano watch fb fan 1
jessica tang
jessicatang90 at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

ipod nano watch fb fan 2
jessica tang
jessicatang90 at gmail dot com

Pip444 said...

Blog follower
Follow NANOTCHWatch on Twitter.
[email protected]

Pip444 said...

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[email protected]

Pip444 said...

Follow you on Twitter
[email protected]

kenziesmum said...

i follow you via google friend connect @ zooscapejennifer and nanotchwatch on twitter @kenziesmum2009

[email protected]

Pip444 said...

Simply clicked the 'like' button at the bottom of the post
[email protected]

Pip444 said...

Simply clicked the 'like' button at the bottom of the post
[email protected]

kenziesmum said...

i follow you on twitter @kenziesmum2009 and tweeted http://twitter.com/kenziesmum2009/status/39754320933036033


[email protected]

kenziesmum said...

i follow you on twitter @kenziesmum2009 and tweeted http://twitter.com/kenziesmum2009/status/39754320933036033


[email protected]

Pip444 said...

Like The iPod Nano Watch on Facebook
[email protected]

Pip444 said...

Like The iPod Nano Watch on Facebook
[email protected]

kenziesmum said...

I clicked the like button at the bottom of this post (facebook name Jennifer McLaclan)


[email protected]

kenziesmum said...

I clicked the like button at the bottom of this post (facebook name Jennifer McLaclan)


[email protected]

kenziesmum said...

i like the ipod nano watch on facebook @ jennifer mclaclan


[email protected]

kenziesmum said...

i like the ipod nano watch on facebook @ jennifer mclaclan


[email protected]

sheliamoore2 said...

Follow via GFC / follow Nanotchwatch @sheliasplace

[email protected]

sheliamoore2 said...

Follow u and tweeted Giveaway @sheliasplace

sheliamoore2 said...

Follow u and tweeted giveaway @sheliasplace 2

sheliamoore2 said...

Like ipod nano watdh on Facebook

sheliamoore2 said...

Like iPod nano watch on Facebook 2

sheliamoore2 said...

Shared giveaway on Facebook

sheliamoore2 said...

Shared giveaway on Facebook 2

Tracey said...

I follow via GFC-traymona. I follow Nanotchwatch on twitter-traymona.

Toystory said...

Following you on GFC and nano on twitter -
twitter name: 1prizewinner

Toystory said...

Following U on Twitter
Twitter name: 1prizewinner
Tweeted here: http://twitter.com/#!/1prizewinner/status/40078569447239681
Entry #1

Toystory said...

Following U on Twitter
Twitter name: 1prizewinner
Tweeted here: http://twitter.com/#!/1prizewinner/status/40078569447239681
Entry #2

Toystory said...

Clicked the like button
entry #1

Toystory said...

Clicked the like button
entry #2

denyap22 said...

Follower on GFC and follow @NANOTCHWatch on twitter @mysweepslink
sweepstaker [at] cox [dot] net

denyap22 said...

Follow on twitter and tweeted http://twitter.com/MySweepsLink/status/40080491004559360

Toystory said...

LIKED iPod Nano on facebook
facebook name: johannah brookwell
entry #1

Toystory said...

LIKED iPod Nano on facebook
facebook name: johannah brookwell
entry #2

Linda said...

Subscribed. [email protected]

The Riebeek Family said...

I follow you with GFC and nanotch on twitter

[email protected]

Karla S said...

I follow with gfc and I follow @NANOTCHWatch on Twitter
ksceviour at hotmail dot com

Karla S said...

I follow you on twitter & tweeted(1)

Karla S said...

I follow you on twitter & tweeted(2)

Karla S said...

I clicked the "like" button on bottom of post(1)
Karla Sceviour

ksceviour at hotmail dot com

Karla S said...

I clicked the "like" button on bottom of post(2)
Karla Sceviour

ksceviour at hotmail dot com

Karla S said...

I Like The iPod Nano Watch on Facebook(1)
Karla Sceviour

ksceviour at hotmail dot com

Karla S said...

I Like The iPod Nano Watch on Facebook(2)
Karla Sceviour

ksceviour at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

Follow you through GFC (Mistee Dawn) and followed Nanotchwatch on Twitter @misteedawnw

misteedawnw at aol dot com

Unknown said...

Followed you on Twitter and tweeted #1


misteedawnw at aol dot com

Unknown said...

Followed you on Twitter and tweeted #2


misteedawnw at aol dot com

Unknown said...

Liked this post on FB #1 (Mistee Dawnw)

misteedawnw at aol dot com

Unknown said...

Liked this post on FB #2 (Mistee Dawnw)

misteedawnw at aol dot com

Unknown said...

Liked the iPod Nano Watch on FB #1 (Mistee Dawnw)

misteedawnw at aol dot com

Unknown said...

Liked the iPod Nano Watch on FB #2 (Mistee Dawnw)

misteedawnw at aol dot com

Danielle K said...

I follow you via GFC and follow Nano Watch via Twitter @Danielle_Knapp

danielleaknapp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Along with following your blog on Google Friend Connect and Following NANOTCHWatch on Twitter.

Unknown said...

Liked The iPod Nano Watch on Facebook

Unknown said...

Liked The iPod Nano Watch on Facebook
second entry

Unknown said...

'liked' button and posted on facebook


Unknown said...

Following you on Twitter and posted

Unknown said...

Following you on Twitter and posted

second entry

James and Monica said...

Hi, I follow you on GFC and NANOTCH on twitter.


James and Monica said...

I follow you on twitter and tweeted about the giveaway


JeansandTs said...

[email protected]
Following all.

chichijunk said...

following you on GFC
chichijunk at cs dot com

chichijunk said...

following nanotchwatch on twitter @chichijunk
chichijunk at cs dot com

chichijunk said...

tweeted: http://twitter.com/chichijunk/status/41745393754718208
chichijunk at cs dot com

evrywoman said...


Following your blog on Google Friend Connect- Danyell F, Following NANOTCHWatch on Twitter @evrywoman

Thank you,
evrywoman at yahoo dot com

evrywoman said...

Clicked the 'like' button at the bottom of the post.
evrywoman at yahoo dot com


evrywoman said...

Clicked the 'like' button at the bottom of the post.
evrywoman at yahoo dot com

evrywoman said...

Like The iPod Nano Watch on Facebook- Danyell G
evrywoman at yahoo dot com

evrywoman said...

Like The iPod Nano Watch on Facebook Danyell G
evrywoman at yahoo com

pinklady705 said...

gfc follower - pinklady707

Following NANOTCHWatch on Twitter - @pinklady705

2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com

pinklady705 said...

following you on twitter and tweeted:


2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com

pinklady705 said...

following you on twitter and tweeted:


2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com


pinklady705 said...

I Like The iPod Nano Watch on Facebook - Lorrie R

2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com


pinklady705 said...

I Like The iPod Nano Watch on Facebook - Lorrie R

2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com


Alexandra said...

I follow you via GFC but I do not have a twitter account!

alexandra_digiorgio at comcast dot net

Alexandra said...


I pressed "like" on the bottom of this post!

alexandra_digiorgio at comcast dot net

Alexandra said...


I pressed "like" on the bottom of this post!

alexandra_digiorgio at comcast dot net

Alexandra said...


I "like" iPod Nano Watch on facebook!

alexandra_digiorgio at comcast dot net

Alexandra said...


I "like" iPod Nano Watch on facebook!

alexandra_digiorgio at comcast dot net

Tessy said...

following nanotch on twitter

[email protected]

mom2girls said...

I follow you on GFC as Tracy Taylor and I like Nanotchwatch on Twitter as mom2girls1974
[email protected]

mom2girls said...

I like Ipod Nano Watch on FB as Tracy Taylor post #1
[email protected]

mom2girls said...

I like Ipod Nano Watch on FB as Tracy Taylor post #1
[email protected]

Anonymous said...

i follow via GFC (venus) and follow NANOTCHwatch on twitter (venusetc)

aviewfromvenus@gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I Like The iPod Nano Watch on Facebook (venus reviews)


aviewfromvenus@gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I Like The iPod Nano Watch on Facebook (venus reviews)


aviewfromvenus@gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

i clicked the "like" button (venus reviews)


aviewfromvenus@gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

i clicked the "like" button (venus reviews)


aviewfromvenus@gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow you on twitter (venusetc)
tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/venusetc/status/42252701794435072


aviewfromvenus@gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow you on twitter (venusetc)
tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/venusetc/status/42252701794435072


aviewfromvenus@gmail dot com

lewalk said...

GFC follower as lewalk and follow NANOTCHWatch on Twitter as lewalk76.


lewalk said...

Liked this post.

Leah W.


lewalk said...

Like iPod Nano Watch on FB.

Leah W.


lewalk said...

Like them on FB 2.


lewalk said...

Follow you on Twitter as lewalk76.....


lewalk said...

.....and tweeted.



Unknown said...

I follow you on GFC and nanowatch on twitter!

mykidsrmyjoy at gmail dot com

Jen said...

I follow you on twitter - @Tipuli and tweeted about the giveaway (1)


mykidsrmyjoy at gmail dot com

Jen said...

I follow you on twitter - @Tipuli and tweeted about the giveaway (2)


mykidsrmyjoy at gmail dot com

Jen said...

I LIKED this post (1)

mykidsrmyjoy at gmail dot com

Jen said...

I LIKED this post (2)

mykidsrmyjoy at gmail dot com

Jen said...

I like the Nano Ipod Watch on Facebook (1)

mykidsrmyjoy at gmail dot com

Jen said...

I like the Nano Ipod Watch on Facebook (2)

mykidsrmyjoy at gmail dot com

Meredith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Meredith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Beauty Bug said...

never really gave much thought to this - but it makes sense.

Annie1 said...

GFC Follower


Follow NANOTCHWatch on Twitter



nancyrobster at gmail dot com

Annie1 said...

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nancyrobster at gmail dot com

Annie1 said...


Follow you on Twitter



nancyrobster at gmail dot com

Annie1 said...

Clicked the Like Button

Anne Taylor or annectaylor1

nancyrobster at gmail dot com

Annie1 said...


Clicked the Like Button

Anne Taylor or annectaylor1

nancyrobster at gmail dot com

Annie1 said...

Like The iPod Nano Watch on Facebook

Anne Taylor or annectaylor1

nancyrobster at gmail dot com

Annie1 said...


Like The iPod Nano Watch on Facebook

Anne Taylor or annectaylor1

nancyrobster at gmail dot com

Deanna said...

follow nanoTCHwatch on twitter
deannalw47 AT hotmail DOT com

Deanna said...

follow you on twitter @ dlw447
tweet #1

deannalw47 AT hotmail DOT com

Deanna said...

follow you on twitter @ dlw447
tweet #2
deannalw47 AT hotmail DOT com

lisa said...

I follow you GFC..lisa kay
and NANOTCHWatch on Twitter
[email protected]

lisa said...

I follow you on twitter
[email protected]

lisa said...

I follow you on twitter
[email protected]

lisa said...

I clicked the like button
[email protected]

lisa said...

I clicked the "LIKE" button
[email protected]

lisa said...

I Like The iPod Nano Watch on Facebook
lisa jorgenson kay
[email protected]

lisa said...

I Like The iPod Nano Watch on Facebook
lisa jorgenson kay
[email protected]

Trish said...

Followed you on GFC and NANOTCHWatch on Twitter

Trish said...

Liked this post on Facebook

Sassy Gigi said...

I'm following you publicly via GFC under Sassy Gigi and I'm following NANOTCHWatch via Twitter @CouponClippinTX.

georgianaowens at ymail dot com

Sassy Gigi said...

I'm following you on Twitter @CouponClippinTX and I tweeted about the giveaway.


georgianaowens at ymail dot com


Sassy Gigi said...

I'm following you on Twitter @CouponClippinTX and I tweeted about the giveaway.


georgianaowens at ymail dot com


Sassy Gigi said...

I Clicked the Like button at the bottom of the post #26.

georgianaowens at ymail dot com

Sassy Gigi said...

I Clicked the Like button at the bottom of the post #26.

georgianaowens at ymail dot com

Entry 2

Sassy Gigi said...

I just liked the Ipod Nano Watch on Facebook under Georgiana O.

georgianaowens at ymail dot com

Entry 1

Sassy Gigi said...

I just liked the Ipod Nano Watch on Facebook under Georgiana O.

georgianaowens at ymail dot com

Entry 2

victoria99 said...

I'm a gfc - victoria99
I follow @NANOTCHWatch - I'm @win_giveaways
flophasit at yahoo dot com
Thank you for the chance to enter!

victoria99 said...

I like iPod Nano Watch on facebook - I'm victoria liester
flophasit at yahoo dot com
entry 1

victoria99 said...

I like iPod Nano Watch on facebook - I'm victoria liester
flophasit at yahoo dot com
entry 2

victoria99 said...

I hit the LIKE button at the bottom -
I'm victoria liester on fb
flophasit at yahoo dot com
entry 1

victoria99 said...

I hit the LIKE button at the bottom -
I'm victoria liester on fb
flophasit at yahoo dot com
entry 2

victoria99 said...

I follow you on twitter - I'm @win_giveaways
here is my tweet:
flophasit at yahoo dot com

victoria99 said...

I follow you on twitter - I'm @win_giveaways
here is my tweet:
flophasit at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Follow via GFC

Katherine Nicole said...

I follow your blog via GFC and I follow NANOTCHWatch on twitter! (katherine326)

Ronda said...

I follow you with GFC and NanotchWatch on Twitter.

[email protected]

Valerie said...

GFC follower and twitter follower of @NANOTCHWatch: valceratops

vjsweeley at gmail dot com

Valerie said...

liked The iPod Nano Watch on facebook #1

Valerie said...

liked The iPod Nano Watch on facebook #2

Nicole B said...

Following you on GFC as Nicole B and Nanowatch on Twitter as @

[email protected]

Becca @Becca's Perspective said...

I follow you on GFC and followed nano watch on twitter

becca at beccasperspective dot com

Becca @Becca's Perspective said...

follow you on twitter & tweeted

Becca @Becca's Perspective said...

follow you on twitter & tweeted

entry 2

Becca @Becca's Perspective said...

i like ipod nano watch on facebook

post 1

Becca @Becca's Perspective said...

i like ipod nano watch on facebook

post 2

Rajee said...

I'm a follower on GFC. I am a follower on Twitter
Pls follow my blog, http://momsfocusonline.com/time-to-follow-blog-hop-for-july.html to return the favor

[email protected]

Rajee said...

like them on fb 1

Rajee said...

like them on fb 2

Rajee said...

follow and http://twitter.com/momsfocus/status/45755824911556609

Rajee said...

follow and http://twitter.com/momsfocus/status/45755824911556609

Tammy said...

I follow you on gfc and them on twitter!

shirley said...

Follow you GFC
Follow NANOTCHWatch on twitter @countrynest
supergrand2009 at yahoo dot com

shirley said...

Follow you on twitter and tweeted-http://twitter.com/COUNTRYNEST/status/45846617458348032 #1
supergrand2009 at yahoo dot com

shirley said...

Follow you on twitter and tweeted-http://twitter.com/COUNTRYNEST/status/45846617458348032 #2
supergrand2009 at yahoo dot com

shirley said...

Liked post on FB-shirley e #1
supergrand2009 at yahoo dot com

shirley said...

Liked post on FB-shirley e #2
supergrand2009 at yahoo dot com

shirley said...

Like The iPod Nano Watch on Facebook-shirley e #1
supergrand2009 at yahoo dot com

shirley said...

Like The iPod Nano Watch on Facebook-shirley e#2
supergrand2009 at yahoo dot com

Erin Cook said...

I follow nano watch on twitter @cooks1978 and am on google friend connect Erin Cook
[email protected]

Erin Cook said...

I Follow you on twitter @cooks1978
[email protected] and tweeted http://twitter.com/cooks1978/status/45860169434935296
[email protected]

Erin Cook said...

I Follow you on twitter @cooks1978
[email protected] and tweeted http://twitter.com/cooks1978/status/45860169434935296
[email protected] #2

Erin Cook said...

I like you on facebook Erin COok
[email protected]

Erin Cook said...

I like you on facebook Erin Cook
[email protected] #2

Erin Cook said...

I like Nano Watch on facebook Erin Cook
[email protected]

Erin Cook said...

I like Nano Watch on facebook Erin COok
[email protected] #2

Diana said...

I follow Nanotch Watch on Twitter
I follow on gFc

Diana said...

I like the IPod nano Watch on Fb

Deanna said...

like ipod nano watch on facebook #1
deannalw47 AT hotmail DOT com

Deanna said...

like ipod nano watch on facebook #2
deannalw47 AT hotmail DOT com

EmmaPeel said...

I did the mandatory entry
twitter id- Emma__Peel

EmmaPeel said...

I Like The iPod Nano Watch on Facebook as Emm Enger #1

EmmaPeel said...

I Like The iPod Nano Watch on Facebook as Emm Enger #2

susansmoaks said...

i am a follower on gfc susansmoaks
i follow them on twitter @fdp4life
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

gfc and follow them on twitter
k k g r a y 8 8 at yahoo

Anonymous said...

follow on twitter 1
k k g r a y 8 8 at yahoo

Anonymous said...

twitter 2
k k g r a y 8 8 at yahoo

Anonymous said...

posted on fb
k k g r a y 8 8 at yahoo

Anonymous said...

posted on fb 2
k k g r a y 8 8 at yahoo

Anonymous said...

like on fb
k k g r a y 8 8 at yahoo

Anonymous said...

like on fb 2
k k g r a y 8 8 at yahoo

cherdon said...

I follow your blog on Google Friend Connect

username is cherdon

I also follow NANOTCHWatch on Twitter

username is iamcherdon

[email protected]

cherdon said...

I follow you on twitter'

username is iamcherdon



cherdon said...

I follow you on twitter'

username is iamcherdon



cherdon said...

I clicked the 'like' button at the bottom of the post

cherdon said...

I clicked the 'like' button at the bottom of the post

cherdon said...

Liked The iPod Nano Watch on Facebook

username is cheryl hodgkins

cherdon said...

Liked The iPod Nano Watch on Facebook

username is cheryl hodgkins

maryjaco1 said...

GFc -Mary J.
Following on twitter-maryjaco1
[email protected]

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