The Couponizer Review

I love to use coupons! I personally get a high from watching the price go down on the register while the cashier scans my coupons. However, all too often I misplace coupons, lose them or even forget about them until it is too late.

Organization is key to successful couponing and having the right tool for the job is essential.  There are a myriad of coupon holders and organizers on the market, however, I have never found one that is as proficient as The Couponizer.

 The founder of The Couponizer, Amy Bergin's goal was to create a system that would enable one to track and save their money. The coponizer is not your run-of-the-mill coupon holder, but rather it is a complete
money-saving system.

The Couponizer is an invaluable tool that is instrumental at helping folks meet their financial needs.

Here are some noteworthy features.

23 grocery coupon pockets including:
 Baby supplies
 First aide, meds, Vitamins,
 Cleaning products, etc
Current shopping trip coupons
Shopping list
Sweepstakes, refunds and rebates
Couptracker; enables you to keep track of your spending and savings
and more

The sturdy binder is durable and built to last. I honestly will never go back to a using a regular coupon holder ever again. The Couponizer puts them all to shame.  

The Couponizer: Save More Than Money

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Anonymous said...

I signed up for the couponizers newletter
tcogbill at live dot com

Tabathia B said...

gfc follower & subscribed to the dotted line
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Tabathia B said...

subscribe in google reader
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Tabathia B said...

twitter follower & tweeted #1
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Tabathia B said...

twitter follower & tweeted #2
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Nicole Larsen said...

I follow via Google Connect and subscribe to the Dotted Line :)

[email protected]

Nicole Larsen said...

I "LIKE" the Couponizer on FB (Nicole Pitts) and commented.

[email protected]

Nicole Larsen said...

I follow The Couponizer on Twitter @pittsy82

[email protected]

Nicole Larsen said...

I follow you on Twitter @Pittsy82 and tweeted

[email protected]

Nicole Larsen said...

I subscribe via RSS google reader

[email protected]

April Yedinak said...

I follow via GFC and subscribed to the dotted line.

April Yedinak said...

liked them on FB and posted

Jerold Sauer said...

Great idea for a prize

katrina said...

gfc follower & subscribed to the dotted line

katrina said...

katrina said...

following Couponizer on twitter

katrina said...

following you on twitter

katrina said...


katrina said...

subscribed by RSS

Beeb said...

I follow via GFC and I already subscribe to The Dotted Line! Thank you for the giveaway!


supercoupongirl AT

Joann said...

I follow you on GFC and signed up for The Dotted Line
[email protected]

Joann said...

follow you on twitter @jbdownie
[email protected] #1

Joann said...

follow you on twitter @jbdownie #2
[email protected]

Michele said...

I'm a GFC follower (Michele) and subscribed to the Dotted Line

Michele said...

Commented on the Couponizer wall!/permalink.php?story_fbid=456187558517&id=51024333517
Michele Caldwell Lawrence

Michele said...

follow Couponizer on Twitter

Michele said...

I follow you on Twitter and tweeted #1

Michele said...

I follow you on Twitter and tweeted #2

Michele said...

I follow you via Google reader

Anonymous said...

I am a GFC follower and subscribed to dotted line

Angel Jacklyn said...


[email protected]

Angel Jacklyn said...


Angel Jacklyn said...

1/FOLLOWING YOU ON TWITTER USER NAME "kytah00" & TWEETED!/kytah00/status/28965398775 [email protected]

Angel Jacklyn said...

2/FOLLOWING YOU ON TWITTER USER NAME "kytah00" & TWEETED!/kytah00/status/28965398775 [email protected]

Angel Jacklyn said...

RSS SUBSCRIBER [email protected]

Anonymous said...

I signed up for the bottom line newsletter crystal gibson at wowway dot com

Anonymous said...

I tried to connect via gfc but it says to try again later! so i will! crystal gibson at wowway dot com

Anonymous said...

Joined The couponizer on fb and left a comment that you sent me! crystal gibson at wowway dot com

Anonymous said...

Subscribed to you in google reader! crystal gibson at wowway dot com

Anonymous said...

Follow you on twitter @crystalclearsav

crystal gibson at wowway dot com

Anonymous said...


crystal gibson at wowway dot com

madpay said...

very cute gifts

Gloria Walshver said...

I signed up on Facebook and I signed up for the newsletter.
I'm very excited to be entered to win a coupon
[email protected]

Little Miss Sunshine said...

GFC follower, subscribed to their newsletter.

Val said...

I follow thru GFC and subscribed to the dotted line at my other email which is vbrice at-==chemisphere-- inc dot com

Val said...

I liked the Couponizer on Facebook and left a comment as well.

Gina @ MoneywiseMoms said...

I'm following Couponizer on Twitter.

Tyler said...

Follow you with GFC. (Tyler Reavis)
Subscribed to the Dotted Line.
[email protected]

Tyler said...

Posted on Couponizer's Facebook wall.

Tyler said...

Follow Couponizer on Twitter. (always6139)

Tyler said...

Follow you on Twitter. (always6139)

Tyler said...


Louis H said...

Google Friends Connect - following your blog publicly as Louis

I subscribed to Dotted Line newsletter (same email as in my profile / this post)

Thank you for hosting this giveaway

schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com

Louis H said...

I like I'm a Couponizer! on facebook (Louis Here)

and commented on their wall

Louis H said...

following @Couponizer on twitter @left_the_stars

Louis H said...

following you on twitter @left_the_stars!/left_the_stars/status/29164648330

Louis H said...

following you on twitter @left_the_stars!/left_the_stars/status/29164648330

Louis H said...

I subscribed to your feed via google reader

bukaeyes said...

I subscribed to the Dotted Line and I follow on GFC as bukaeyes
[email protected]

bukaeyes said...

I like Couponizer on Facebook and told them I'm excited to try this product!
[email protected]

bukaeyes said...

I follow Couponizer on Twitter @bukaeyes
[email protected]

bukaeyes said...

1. I follow you on Twitter @bukaeyes
and tweeted!/bukaeyes/status/29295040386
[email protected]

bukaeyes said...

2. I follow you on Twitter @bukaeyes
and tweeted!/bukaeyes/status/29295040386
[email protected]

Unknown said...

I subscribed to the Dotted Line

randi3208 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I joined Couponizer on FB and left a message!

randi3208 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I follow Couponizer on Twitter

randi3208 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I follow you on Twitter

randi3208 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I tweeted about the giveaway!

randi3208 at yahoo dot com

Libby's Library said...

GFC Follower - Libby's Library
I'm a subscriber to the Dotted Line


Libby's Library said...

I subscribe to your newsletter - Google Reader


Libby's Library said...

I follow Couponizer on Twitter - LibbysLibrary


Libby's Library said...

I follow you on Twitter - LibbysLibrary


DEBIJOT said...

GFC follower
subscribe to dotted line

DEBIJOT said...

follow you on twitter - debijot

DEBIJOT said...

follow the couponizer on twitter - debijot

DEBIJOT said...

left message on couponizer fb page - deborah t

Kristie O. said...

I follow you on twitter! butterfliez79 at msn dot com

Tessy said...

GFC follower. and signed up for dotted line.

[email protected]

atlmuzikfanzinc said...

gfc follower giveawayinfo subscribed to the dotted line

atlmuzikfanzinc at gmail dot com

atlmuzikfanzinc said...

following the couponizer on FB

atlmuzikfanzinc at gmail dot com

atlmuzikfanzinc said...

subscribed to rss feed via google reader

atlmuzikfanzinc at gmail dot com

Erin Lenore said...

follow on GFC and subscribe to the dotted line

Erin Lenore said...

follow couponizer on twitter

Erin Lenore said...

subscribe via google reader.

Erin Lenore said...


LenaLoo said...

followed and tweeted

LenaLoo said...

followed on FB and let them know i <3

LenaLoo said...

folloed on twitter

LenaLoo said...

subscribed and followed in gfc

Briann said...

i follow via GFC and subscribed

Briann said...

i follow couponizer on twitter @briann88

Unknown said...

I'm a GFC follower and liked them on Facebook!

captainliss40 said...

I'm a GFC follower, and I subscribed to the Dotted Line. [email protected]

Chris said...

I follow your blog via gfc and I subscribed to the dotted line
[email protected]

Chris said...

I Visited The Couponizer's Facebook page and left a comment
[email protected]

Chris said...

I Follow Couponizer on Twitter
[email protected]

Anonymous said...

I am gfc follower tracietrump and I signed up for The Dotted Line! [email protected]

Rebecca W said...

I'm a new follower of your blog on Google Friend Connect (rebecca williams) and I'm a new subscriber to The Couponizer's Website
rebeccaw2005 at hotmail dot com

Rebecca W said...

Following Couponizer on Twitter @beccaann38
twitter: beccaann38 at hotmail dot com
contact me: rebeccaw2005 at hotmail dot com

Rebecca W said...

Following you on twitter and I tweeted!/beccaann38/status/2853907063644160
twitter: beccaann38 at hotmail dot com
contact me: rebeccaw2005 at hotmail dot com

I'm just Chris said...

Subscribed to The dotted line at the on the email theaddhousewife at yahoo dot com.

I'm just Chris said...

Follower of the couponizer on Twitter @CraftingKitchen.

MrsPhilipswithoneL said...

GFC follower and subscribed to The Dotted Line:
Having Fun Blogging
[email protected]

Anonymous said...

I really need this! GFC follower (Lona728) and subscribed to the Dotted Line.

Lona728@ yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

"LIke" I'm a Couponizer on FB (Lona Sausman Wibbels) and posted on their wall

Lona728@ yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

following Couponizer on twitter (Lona728)
Lona728@ yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

following you on twitter (Lona728) and tweeted!/Lona728/status/2919649540837377

Lona728@ yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

subscribed via Google Reader (Lona728)
Lona728@ yahoo dot com

Donnetta said...

I follow on GFC and I subscribe to The Dotted Line.

[email protected]

Donnetta said...

I Visited The Couponizer's Facebook page and left them a comment.

[email protected]

Donnetta said...

I Follow Couponizer on Twitter as coffeebreakmom.

[email protected]

Donnetta said...

I follow you on Twitter and tweeted!/coffeebreakmom/status/2943959575826432

[email protected]

Laura said...

I follow you on Google Friend connect and subscribe to the Dotted Line.

laura20v said...

GFC follower and i subscribed to the dotted line! [email protected]

laura20v said...

i liked the couponizer's fb page! [email protected]

laura20v said...

subscribe via google reader. [email protected]

myfirstbaby said...

I follow via GFC. (mhcommet)

mjcommets at embarqmail dot com

myfirstbaby said...

I now follow Couponizer on Twitter. (hjcomme)

mjcommets at embarqmail dot com

myfirstbaby said...

I now follow you on Twitter. (#1)

Here is my Tweet:!/hjcomme/status/3314192220164096

myfirstbaby said...

I now follow you on Twitter. (#2)

mjcommets at embarqmail dot com

TessaShelby said...

I am now a GFC follower and I subscribed to the doted line.

misskimmm said...

i follow you here and signed up for the dotted line subscription for couponizer! yay!

Rachael @ Empowering Mommy said...

I follow you through Google Connect and signed up for the dotted link subscription.

[email protected]

Rachael @ Empowering Mommy said...

I subscribe through Google Reader

Rachael @ Empowering Mommy said...

I follow you on twitter and tweeted -!/rachaelcoe/status/3544011608432641

Rachael @ Empowering Mommy said...

I follow The Couponizer on Facebook

Rachael @ Empowering Mommy said...

I follow The Couponizer on Twitter

LB said...

GFC follower and signed up for the dotted line

petrellinyc-blog at yahoo dot com

LB said...

like couponizer on facebook and commented

petrellinyc-blog at yahoo dot com

LB said...

follow couponizer on twitter

petrellinyc-blog at yahoo dot com

LB said...

follow you on twitter and tweeted

petrellinyc-blog at yahoo dot com

LB said...

follow you on twitter and tweeted 2

petrellinyc-blog at yahoo dot com

LB said...

subscribe via rss

petrellinyc-blog at yahoo dot com

Tori said...

I am following your blog and am now a dotted line subscriber.
[email protected]

Tori said...

I am following couponnizer on twitter - mommatori82
[email protected]

Shan said...

Following via GFC and sub to the Dotted Line
diamond42377 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I signed up for email....I love to do sales and coupons but My organization is super poor so this would be great KayMI

Unknown said...

Signed up at the website

KowgirlsRule said...

I follow via GFC and subscribed to Dotted Line

KowgirlsRule said...

I posted on Couponizers FB wall:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=465923148517&id=51024333517

KowgirlsRule said...

I follow couponizer on twitter @kowgirlsrule

KowgirlsRule said...

I follow you on twitter @kowgirlsrule Tweet:

scat413 said...

I'm a follower and a big coupon clipper. would love to win the handy book
[email protected]

Anne D. said...

I follow you via GFC (I'm annejk112233) and subscribed to The Dotted Line. annejk112233(at)yahoo(dot)com

Anne D. said...

I joined the Couponizer's group on FB and left the comment at:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=466470613517&id=51024333517


Anne D. said...

I follow the Couponizer on TWitter (I'm wowtotweet) annejk112233(at)yahoo(dot)com

Anne D. said...

I follow you on Twitter (I'm wowtotweet) and posted about your giveaway on my twitter at:!/wowtotweet/status/4422853495623680

Anne D. said...

I subscribed to your blog in the reader. annejk112233(at)yahoo(dot)com

kimbly said...

I subscribed and I'm a GFC follower of your blog and I just love the idea of the Couponizer.

kimbly at g mail dot com

Ashley N said...

Ok, I follow you on GFC as Charleene. I also subscribed to The Dotted Line newsletter on their site.


Ashley N said...

I posted on the couponizers facebook wall that I was so excited to start saving even more money with a couponizer!

Petes sake is my name on facebook


Ashley N said...

I already follow The Couponizer on twitter

Katishma is my name on there


Ashley N said...

I now follow you on twitter as Katishma


entry 1

Ashley N said...

I now follow you on twitter as Katishma


entry 2

Anonymous said...

What an awesome giveaway!

[email protected]

Erica C. said...

I'm a GFC follower and I signed up for the Dotted Line.

Anonymous said...

this is a great orinized way to save mouney live better...couponoizer.. YaY babe!!!!!
[email protected]

susansmoaks said...

i subscribed
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

Melanie Montgomery said...

I follow and I subscribed.

[email protected]

michtuck said...

Subscribed to the Dotted Line and follow via gfc.
michedt (at) gmail (dotcom)

michtuck said...

Visit The Couponizer's Facebook page and commented. iiiyadirf (michelle tucker)
michedt (at) gmail (dotcom)

michtuck said...

Follow Couponizer on Twitter. @iiiyadirf
michedt (at) gmail (dotcom)

michtuck said...

Subscribe via RSS- google reader
michedt (at) gmail (dotcom)

michtuck said...

Follow you and Tweeted:!/iiiyadirf/status/4645458534207489
michedt (at) gmail (dotcom)

Real Organic Living said...

I follow you on GFC and subscribed to the Dotted Line.

Real Organic Living said...

I follow the Couponizer on twitter @samman324

Real Organic Living said...

I follow you on twitter @samman324



Real Organic Living said...

I follow you on twitter @samman324



Real Organic Living said...

subscribe to you via google reader

Betty C said...

I follow on Google Friend Connect and subscribe to the Dotted Line.


I follow on GFC & Subscribe to The Dotted Line!

[email protected]


I liked the Couponizer on facebook & posted!
Zesty Wonderland
[email protected]


Follow Couponizer on Twitter

[email protected]

Charlene Kuser said...

I am following you on GFC (Charlene)
I subscribed to The Dotted Line

[email protected]


Follow You on twitter & tweeted!


I subscribe in google reader
[email protected]

Charlene Kuser said...

I left a message on the The Couponizer's Facebook page (Charlene Kuser)!/permalink.php?story_fbid=467031708517&id=51024333517

[email protected]

cman said...

I'm a GFC follower.
Subscribed to The Dotted Line.

A Helicopter Mom said...

Following your blog on Google Friend Connect (Mickey Coutts) and subscribed to the Dotted Line.

mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com

A Helicopter Mom said...

Visited The Couponizer's Facebook page and told them how excited I am to start saving money.

mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com

A Helicopter Mom said...

Follow Couponizer on Twitter (mickeycoutts)

mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com

A Helicopter Mom said...

Follow you on twitter and tweeted: #1

mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com

A Helicopter Mom said...

Follow you on twitter and tweeted: #2

mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com

A Helicopter Mom said...

Subscibed in Google Reader (Mickey Coutts)

mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com

Charlene Kuser said...

I am following Couponizer on Twitter (@Swtlilchick)

[email protected]

Charlene Kuser said...

I follow you on Twitter and Tweeted:@Swtlilchick

[email protected]

Charlene Kuser said...

I follow you on Twitter and Tweeted:@Swtlilchick

[email protected]

Charlene Kuser said...

I am a subscriber via google reader

[email protected]

disneyfanheather said...

Following on Google Friend Connect and subscribed to the Dotted Line!

disneyfanheather said...

Subscriber via google reader!

disneyfanheather said...

Following Couponizer on Twitter! (_heatheranne_)


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